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    Need help getting out of tomb of giants


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    Need help getting out of tomb of giants Empty Need help getting out of tomb of giants

    Post by wickerman555 Fri May 17, 2013 1:08 pm

    I'm down in there and I found the fog gate I can't cross and I'm at the closest bonfire to that. Now I can't get out and can't figure out if there is another exit. I have a 52 cleric with +5 divine mace and these skeletons are killing me. Normally I can beat them pretty solid but between the dark and the numbers I can't seem to get back out to do something more constructive. I have tried several times to fight my way out but there just seems so many of them.

    A few notes. I'm trying to avoid meta gaming as much as possible and this is my first play through.

    Thanks in advance for any help happy

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    Need help getting out of tomb of giants Empty Re: Need help getting out of tomb of giants

    Post by uthvag Fri May 17, 2013 1:21 pm

    Which platform(PC PS3 Xbox) are you in? Did you try following the prism stones (i think the last one is where the guy named patches pushes u down.)

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    Need help getting out of tomb of giants Empty Re: Need help getting out of tomb of giants

    Post by Rumeye Fri May 17, 2013 1:34 pm

    There you go :

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    Need help getting out of tomb of giants Empty Re: Need help getting out of tomb of giants

    Post by wickerman555 Fri May 17, 2013 1:40 pm

    Sorry, yeah, xbox. I have made it to the bottom, killed patches (he don't like clerics do he?) and found Rhea and killed the two hollows. But I can't find another exit and I can't seem to get by all the giant skeletons. There are tons of them and eventually they wear me down or knock me off a ledge.

    I appreciate the youtube link but I kind of want to avoid just watching a higher end player do it. I'd rather get advice and work it out.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Need help getting out of tomb of giants Empty Re: Need help getting out of tomb of giants

    Post by User1 Fri May 17, 2013 1:42 pm

    I have a sl65 character that can help you, if you level up to sl55, I can help you.
    XBL gamertag is in my signature.

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    Need help getting out of tomb of giants Empty Re: Need help getting out of tomb of giants

    Post by barrywilkins Fri May 17, 2013 9:10 pm

    The best advice I can give you is: RUN. Do not stop to fight anything, just RUN. Just past the ladder where you climbed out of Patches Pit of Power is a coffin-like structure that leads to a pretty nasty area, avoid that. Instead, keep hugging the wall where you'll encounter a giant skelearcher. Kill him asap and climb that ladder like you've never climbed before. Keep climbing every ladder you see until you've reached the area just after you slew Pinwheel. Theres a little service exit back to the Catacombs, which is right next to the bonewheels, so you have to deal with them. Its probably safest to just aggro them 1 at a time and slowly pick them off.

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