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    The "let it out" thread.


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    The "let it out" thread. - Page 8 Empty Re: The "let it out" thread.

    Post by densetsushun Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:05 pm

    Are you sure you didn't have a case of sleep paralysis?
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    The "let it out" thread. - Page 8 Empty Re: The "let it out" thread.

    Post by Animaaal Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:13 pm

    Jeez Plastic,

    Ida freaked out a little too I hope you're okay. That sounds serious. I have minor arthritis in my neck and spine, but nothing like that.

    So on a not serious note, I would have been worried when I couldn't move, but woulda freaked when I couldn't have coffee...FOR AN HOUR?!?!?!.... Coffee! ... surprised
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    Post by PlasticandRage Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:38 pm

    Positive it's not sleep paralysis. Believe it or not that was a symptom I was having before I was being treated. Sleep paralysis doesn't hurt. You just can't move. This was severe pain. When I tried to move my limbs it literally felt like the muscle was peeling off the bones and ripping the tendons. According to my doctor it can happen with these meds. Sure glad he warned me about that one. ****.

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    Post by densetsushun Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:52 pm

    Ah, ouch, I can't imagine the pain you were in sad That sounds horrible man.
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    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:22 am

    Hopefully this won't go on much longer. I went to see my regular doctor last week and she said she thought I was doing a lot better. My weight loss is slowing and my vitals are stabilizing. In other words the meds were really working, but I just happened to have a bad reaction to them this morning. I'm not supposed to take them until I see him on Monday. I'm just hoping that I don't regress too much by not being on them again for a few days. I can feel my more common symptoms coming back after just not taking them today. Pretty much everything anyone said to me today irritated me and I've had such little energy that I could hardly play video games.

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    Post by Hart Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:01 pm

    Um not sure if this is the right place but anyway...
    A while ago one of my friends died. And I don't have any photo's of her, or a way to get any other than ones from when we were really really young. And now I'm forgetting what she looked like. I don't feel bad about not remembering her face and i still remember her personality and stuff, but at some point I'd like to use her likeness in drawings/paintings and stuff, as a way to remember her. So, is there a way to get it back?
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    Post by PlasticandRage Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:47 pm

    Try to recall a memory of something you did together that stuck with you. Possibly the sound of her voice or her smell. I'd think most of those things would help you recall more information. Sorry about your friend. I've lost quite a few myself. Thankfully there are a lot of girls in my group of friends, so we have pictures of everything.

    Or maybe try to focus on one feature at a time and then put it together. If it were me and I knew any of her family I'd be going over there for a picture.

    Last edited by PlasticandRage on Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:50 pm

    Ask her family.

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    Post by Hart Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:55 pm

    Yeah I get what your saying and I can see it in my head, but can't ever put it down on paper. Most recent photos are about age 11/12. She was pretty quite and passed away at 16, so wasn't exactly social butterfly with heaps photos.
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    Post by PlasticandRage Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:29 pm

    Younger photo is better than no photo at all. If you're going to include it in your artwork from the photo and your memory, the parts that end up coming from your memory are going to be the more meaningful ones anyway.

    Last edited by PlasticandRage on Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Hart Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:43 pm

    ^^^This is good advice, I suppose you know though lol. Anyway thanks for replying guys.

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    Post by twilightwarwolf Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:06 pm

    Somedays i find myself wishing i was as insane as id like to think i am somedays. Hell i get told ive lost my mind anyway. Even today my dad told me if i listened to others i might have a mind.  But why listen to someone who is incredibly stupid? He is lazy stupid arrogant and a lot more negative things id rather not get into. What he doesnt realize is i dont listen to people like him. Now ill be honest i dispise him and as such that makes it harder to even want to listen to him if he is right but im not dumb enough (usually) to not do the right thing in most situations because he and i agree. Now the insanty thing is just a joke that has been around for a couple years and its more because i have similairities to a fav character in a game that is insane.  But i can't help but wonder if i was insane would my life be easier? I certainly wouldnt have to deal with people like my dad but i wouldnt get to do a lot of the things i like to do also. God im just tired i think. i know im only 16 but ive met more stupid people in my life than some adults and they just DRAIN you. Which is why i just stay away from him because we always get into some kind of stupid fight and i know it sounds dumb but his presence just puts me on edge. *sigh*  I feel a bit better from ranting but God knows ill rant again on him later. Oh well until then thanks for letting me rant.

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    Post by bunnywink Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:23 pm

    Parents can be a bit of a nuisance, Twilight. I don't think a lot of them realize that their children are their own individuals and have a need for autonomy.

    Two more weeks. bounce

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    Post by twilightwarwolf Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:34 pm

    I know right. At least i have mom and she understands. Out of curiousity whats happening in 2 weeks?
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    Post by Forum Pirate Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:40 pm

    I'm the most forceful personality in my house, so I got to do pretty much whatever I wanted starting at like 14. My trick is to be prepaired to win at any cost, to show that I will not be controlled.

    To be fair, the costs can get really high, so if you take that route you'd better be absolutely sure its worth what you could lose.

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    Post by bunnywink Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:07 pm

    Asserting your independence can be really difficult if you are still living with your parents though. If you do as Pirate says, yeeeeah, you're gonna have to deal with the consequences until you are able to find different living arrangements. 

    Twilight, I am moving in two weeks. Big changes! I'm really excited. tongue
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:16 pm

    Food luck, bunny! Send us a postcard.

    EDIT: Meant to type "Good luck" but "Food luck" seemed to work so I just left it.Sun

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    Post by twilightwarwolf Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:23 pm

    indeed Good luck Bunny XD
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    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:27 pm

    So I just got home only to find out that one my new roommates, the one I've known forever and expected to be the more responsible of the pair, has invited a friend of his he knows from his job to live with us on our couch for awhile. That might not be so terrible a thing in and of itself, but the problem is that this guy has a bad drug problem. Same thing I had a problem with. It's really bad in the area I live, has been for awhile. I explained to them both that I will have zero tolerance of anything like that being in my house, and he's telling my roommate he's clean, and that he's all done with it, but I know that that's not true. I can see the signs all over him. I was a junky for years. I know the signs and I know the mentality. His eyes are pinned, he's nodding while we're talking to him, and his skins a strange pale shade. He also needed a place to live because he says he got kicked out of his house because his girl friend accused him of beating her. Which he swears he didn't, but honestly seems like the type of guy that would. Obviously I'm not very happy. At all. Not a single part of this is okay with me. Not even a little bit. I'd have said that originally, but the way he thrust it all on me didn't really give me much of a chance to think about it before I answered. He called me and said he already told the kid it was alright, and just told me that he needed a place to stay for a short time, and gave me none of the details, so I was like uuhhh alright I guess? Then he told me the whole story after I got home and had already said yes, and the guy had already moved his things into our living room. I don't know what to do here. This is the second time he's brought a user into our house in the 3 weeks we've lived here too. I know he's not using. I'm around him all the time, and it's easy to tell when you've been there yourself. I think he either just doesn't know how to say no, or doesn't understand that being around these people can bring trouble for you.
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    Post by Marino. Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:42 pm

    How long have you been living with your Roomate ?
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    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:50 pm

    We moved in May 25. So about 3 weeks. We've lived together before though. Maybe 6ish years ago we were roommates for 2 years. We get along really well. We've been friends for longer than that. Part of the appeal of living with him, aside from us getting along well, is that he's responsible. I know when we have bills or rent due that he'll pay what he's supposed to pay. We were living together when I was just starting to have a problem and was the one who was always on me about bringing shady people around and blowing my money on dope instead of paying things that were my responsibility. Our third roommate is the irresponsible one generally. Doesn't clean up after himself at all, and when you ask him to do something like clean up after himself he acts like you're attacking him. Can't handle any responsibility. I wasn't expecting this from my other roomy at all though.
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    Post by Marino. Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:59 pm

    What about that other guy your Roomate brought into your House ?
    Was it a simliar situation ?
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:00 pm

    Awful, Plastic. I would rent out a hotel room for a few days to send a message. If that doesn't sink in, then you would be in your rights to take more drastic measures.
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    Post by PlasticandRage Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:17 pm

    No the first time he just brought people back with him to hang out for a couple hours, but it just so happened to be somebody that I hung out with when I was a serious user, and she was way worse than I was. Actually stole money out of my wallet the last time I saw her.

    I'd say staying at a hotel room might not be a bad idea, but I have a dog I'd need to schlep around, and pretty much everything in the house is mine, we rented a whole house, and I provided most of the furniture and appliances and things because I'm older than them and have just been on my own longer and accumulated more things. I'd just be reluctant to abandon all my things to stay at a hotel. I think I'm just going to wait for a time that the guys not around and sit down with him and be like look you didn't give me all the information before you asked me, and if you had I'd have given you a different answer. I'm not for booting him right out if he has nowhere to go, but I think we need to set a time limit on how long he can be here, like maybe a week or something. I also really have to explain to him that I even see a hint that he even comes home high that he will be out on his ***. I just can't have that sht around me. I've been through too much to have it thrown back in my face. I'm not worried I'll be tempted. It's been long enough now and I'm comfortable enough in my recovery that I don't think it'll ever happen again. I'm not afraid of it happening again, but at the same time it brings trouble. It could bring bad people over here, even more than now, it could bring the police over here, and I know personally that addicts steal. I stole from people I care about when I was an addict. Did horrible things to people I love and would never want to hurt. You just don't care when you're an addict. You're priorities are different.
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    Post by Encore Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:30 pm

    I had a bad day, first I woke up early after sleeping in order to go to a dentist appointment, but it turns out it was not today, after that I was trapped in town for 6 hours while feeling like ****.

    Then my mother drove home. She can make a asphalt way feel like mountain paths...

    I was ready to throw up.

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