Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:Cat is there an image on your sig? Also Elysium how many things do you like?
Things? Would you care to add a little more detail to that?
Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:Cat is there an image on your sig? Also Elysium how many things do you like?
1. We do have a brony thread.Elysium™ wrote:Oh. Well, I am part of a couple:
1. The MLP fandom, which is going downhill.
2. The Touhou fandom, which remains my favourite.
3. The Haruhi fandom. It's kind of an unspoken fandom, but trust me, it is out there.
I feel as though you will be quickly loved on the forum from those fandoms.Elysium wrote:Oh. Well, I am part of a couple:
1. The MLP fandom, which is going downhill.
2. The Touhou fandom, which remains my favourite.
3. The Haruhi fandom. It's kind of an unspoken fandom, but trust me, it is out there.
Haruhi fans don't need to create a fandom here because there are no aliens, time travelers, espers or sliders.Elysium™ wrote:I'm not surprised about the third one. As I said, it's kind of unspoken. Another word could be "unofficial".
There's a Haruhi fandom?densetsushun wrote:Haruhi fans don't need to create a fandom here because there are no aliens, time travelers, espers or sliders.Elysium™ wrote:I'm not surprised about the third one. As I said, it's kind of unspoken. Another word could be "unofficial".
I'll pass.Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:Oh make one Lati.
Elysium™ wrote:I noticed the Brony Thread, but there wasn't any activity, and the recent post kind of put me off.
WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:
That's just Wade being Wade. Please, don't take it to mean anything more than that.
Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:2 I have touhou thread but posters I don't get much of besides Dibs these days.
I'm honest to god trying to read the Touhou thread, but it's so hard to resist the temptation of posting on this forum.Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:I may have to go all the way to the beginning with Haruhi. I watch a bit and did not get it. But I do have Touhou, MLP, and other fandoms I like.
Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:If I understand right. Haruhi has some power that causes weird events to happen and people just go along with it. Is Nagato a robot?