Latitoast wrote:Please don't.
If you need to talk to someone, all of us are willing to lend both our ears.
Just please don't kill yourself.
I appreciate it, but I just don't feel as...cheerful as I used to be. It has gotten significantly worse lately to the point that I have rejected going anywhere for quite a while. It is hard not to commit suicide.
Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:No no no no! Satoshi there are ways to see the light in life here. Killing yourself won't solve anything at all. In fact you will end up doing more harm than good as everyone in your life will suffer by your loss. It takes time and a lot of it, depending on what you life is like to realize that living will improve. I got depression too but I managed to deal with it for a long time and things do look better after a bit. Don't kill yourself man, you'll feel hollow. It is not an answer to die like that just a regret you'll never undo.
I would be doing more harm than good? "Everyone" in my life counts as one person, my other friends hate me now for what I have done, so there is only one person in my life. My life has never improved. From teasing when I was young, to beatings when I got older, to even getting assaulted and shot many times a year ago. I doubt that life will get better. I might regret it? It is something I wanted to do ever since I was young, it will be amazing to let go of this hell I call my life!
WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:Do you take any medications?
I used to. It made me hallucinate, become weak, and even worsen my depression. I refuse to take that medicine again.
Renny™ wrote:Satoshi, I doubt any one really wants you gone from this world, even if you have depression, life isn't normally worth killing yourself for. After attempting suicide twice myself, I know if you don't die, you feel all the worse for it. edited
Many, many people want me gone from this world, mainly due to just...well...existing and taking up precious space on this rock. I don't mean to be rude, but is it easy to legally get cyanide pills, and where?
Fluttershy wrote:
Are you bipolar like me?
Yes, but recently, it has decreased dramatically. I now only feel despair, and my mood swings are very little, as I still feel terrible if I talk to my friend.