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Hatsune Miku
Soris Ice Goldwing
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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.


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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by XachAttack Thu May 23, 2013 8:44 pm

    So, for quite a while now, my parents have been in the process of splitting up because my Dad can't keep his hands off a can of beer. Dealing with this is why I haven't been online for the past month/weeks etc. So everyone on my PS3 buddy list, sorry.

    Mom just got back from a hip surgery, and when she's recovered, Dad's gonna have the house be for sale. He's gonna go up to Alabama, while Mom and I go with the guy she's been seeing.

    I know it's not my fault, but dammit, I don't know what I can do to make myself feel better about it and make the time fly by. Just been taking it one day at a time but I'm starting to reach my limit.

    I'm sorry that this is sudden, and I haven't really done much for anyone to really know me here, but I need some help with how to make it for a little while longer.
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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu May 23, 2013 9:15 pm

    One moment at a time. Try to see any positives and be around anyone you love. Hugs can help too. Don't skimp on those

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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by SirArchmage Thu May 23, 2013 9:23 pm

    I suggest books, if you are into that. I know that I have made entire months fly by with a pile of books gathered from a library.

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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by XachAttack Thu May 23, 2013 10:05 pm

    Frankly, I'm not too into reading, but that might be just what I have to do. Might help with some other things too. Guess I'll give that a try, thanks Arch.

    That's pretty much what I've been doin' Skare, one day at a time. You're right about the hugs, those help a bunch. Thanks to you as well.

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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by LunarFog Thu May 23, 2013 10:26 pm

    My parents went through something...similar. I'm in no position to give advice on this kind of thing, but I found peace by submerging myself in anything to get my mind off things; video games, reading, anime.

    Some people would call it escapism, but I don't understand the negative connotation.
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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Thu May 23, 2013 10:31 pm

    LunarFog wrote:My parents went through something...similar. I'm in no position to give advice on this kind of thing, but I found peace by submerging myself in anything to get my mind off things; video games, reading, anime.

    Some people would call it escapism, but I don't understand the negative connotation.
    This is actually a good idea to follow depending on the situation. If you don't to deal with it and let time move on find anything that brings you any amount of joy or positive feelings. But do take it a day at a time like skare said. I got dragged into my own parents divorce but I learned that if you find something that helps you, stick to it and savory it and find more to balance things.

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    Post by SirArchmage Thu May 23, 2013 10:34 pm

    If I may, try reading manga since you are not too big a fan of reading, if you are into much anime type of stuff. And if nothing works I suggest exercise. Went through a lot of bad times myself and when I practiced Parkour or Martial Arts I completely forgot about the bad things in my life.

    LunarFog wrote:My parents went through something...similar. I'm in no position to give advice on this kind of thing, but I found peace by submerging myself in anything to get my mind off things; video games, reading, anime.

    Some people would call it escapism, but I don't understand the negative connotation.
    Never understood why escapism was suppose to be a bad thing. What do I do, sit around and think how horrid my life is, or do something fun to distract myself? But oh well.

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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by LunarFog Thu May 23, 2013 11:24 pm

    SirArchmage wrote:If I may, try reading manga since you are not too big a fan of reading, if you are into much anime type of stuff. And if nothing works I suggest exercise. Went through a lot of bad times myself and when I practiced Parkour or Martial Arts I completely forgot about the bad things in my life.

    LunarFog wrote:My parents went through something...similar. I'm in no position to give advice on this kind of thing, but I found peace by submerging myself in anything to get my mind off things; video games, reading, anime.

    Some people would call it escapism, but I don't understand the negative connotation.
    Never understood why escapism was suppose to be a bad thing. What do I do, sit around and think how horrid my life is, or do something fun to distract myself? But oh well. there's an idea I gotta try.

    I always had fantasies of going out in the middle of the night dressed in all black with gloves and sole-less shoes and then just jumping through people's backyards and stuff. A feeling of freedom like that...would be nice.
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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by Hatsune Miku Thu May 23, 2013 11:33 pm

    XachAttack wrote:Frankly, I'm not too into reading,
    Ever read manga? It's better than books with just words in them, imo.

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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by SirArchmage Thu May 23, 2013 11:33 pm

    If you do it, make sure you are prepared for a few things
    1.) Be prepared for your feet to hurt. A lot.
    2.) Never do it in the rain. Makes you less visible but makes every jump uncertain
    3.) Train. Train train train train train. In parkour the difference between your foot landing in one place and your foot landing an inch to the left of where you wanted it could mean a fall.
    4.) Make sure that when you are exhausted, you can make yourself not have loud and heavy breathing. Can mess up your concentration and you don't want to be heard by people. Anyways I'll stop talking now for purposes of things being derailed in this thread.
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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu May 23, 2013 11:37 pm

    I would say to myself that 3 weeks is nothing and that it might be best to just zero in one other stuff and let the chips fall where they may.


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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by XachAttack Fri May 24, 2013 8:25 am

    I already play video games all day, so that might not do much but I'll definitely try out everything else here, more so on the martial arts as I've been wanting to try finding an Iaido dojo or something similar.

    Thanks a lot guys \o/.
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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by Mr. Tart Fri May 24, 2013 8:35 am

    Just talk with someone, keep your mind on other things. Do you have Skype? Me and a couple of guys here(including now gone Renny) have a group where we chat. Two, actually. One for random stuff, another for support. Anyhow, if you're interested, I could invite you.
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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by Sentiel Fri May 24, 2013 8:43 am

    I'm the guy that soaks his problems in video games.
    My parents went through divorce and moving when I was young. Two times. Look Skyward
    And I still kinda blame myself for both of those.
    It's never easy on the child (not targeting specific age).

    It's best to occupy oneself and let the time take care of everything imo.
    If video games doesn't do it for you, books, movies, sports, women (or whatever makes your sword backstab), all can do the job well enough. Just don't try anything too adictive, like alcohol, or drugs. It's not worth it and in the end, those help the least and only generate more problems.

    Oh and I don't recomend trying to run away. That's what I did and it sucked.

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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by XachAttack Fri May 24, 2013 9:23 am

    I do have a Skype, Tart, but I'm not much of a talker. Feel free to invite, I think my name there is Xachary10 or something, I've never been able to remember it well.

    @Sent: Lol, run away? I'm scared enough to not leave my room when I'm alone in the house. There's no way in hell I can run away.
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    Post by Mr. Tart Fri May 24, 2013 9:41 am

    Well of course you don't have to. I did send you a friend request though. But feel free to give it a try. Once you accept my invite, I'll invite you into the groups.

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    Next three weeks can't go by fast enough. Empty Re: Next three weeks can't go by fast enough.

    Post by Elysium™ Fri May 24, 2013 12:34 pm

    I see the recruitment was taken into consideration.

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