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    Does magic Def stop miracles?


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    Does magic Def stop miracles? Empty Does magic Def stop miracles?

    Post by Dutchy Sat May 25, 2013 8:41 am

    As title

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    Does magic Def stop miracles? Empty Re: Does magic Def stop miracles?

    Post by lordgodofhell Sat May 25, 2013 8:48 am

    Magic defense reduces the damage you receive from magic based attacks whether pure magic or split damage.

    To answer your question, no, no it does not stop miracles. You can have 400 magic defense and still get dunked by someone stacking magic AR on say wrath of the Gods. Also, lightning spear miracles deal lightning damage and are thus not effected by your magic defense. Same for slb. Another miracle.

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    Does magic Def stop miracles? Empty Re: Does magic Def stop miracles?

    Post by Dutchy Sat May 25, 2013 8:52 am

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    Does magic Def stop miracles? Empty Re: Does magic Def stop miracles?

    Post by Forum Pirate Sat May 25, 2013 8:04 pm

    It does indeed reduce miracle damage, else gmb would not stop wog (it does.) It doesn't do anything to lightning miracles.

    If you're asking if you should stack magic defense, no. After 300 or so, you'd have to sacrifice too much for minimal benifits, you're better off just using the crest shield or gmb.
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    Does magic Def stop miracles? Empty Re: Does magic Def stop miracles?

    Post by Animaaal Sat May 25, 2013 8:31 pm

    GMB doesn't stop poise damage from WoG does it?
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    Does magic Def stop miracles? Empty Re: Does magic Def stop miracles?

    Post by Forum Pirate Sat May 25, 2013 8:37 pm

    no it doesnt, but it doesn't do any damage, so unless they intend to bs you its a waste.

    If you have gmb though, there's nothing stopping you using force or wog to keep them doing so, you can also piviot parry if they're sloppy.
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    Does magic Def stop miracles? Empty Re: Does magic Def stop miracles?

    Post by Animaaal Sat May 25, 2013 9:05 pm

    Thanks...WTH?!?!? They took your smiley pirate!!!!

    Its been so long i'm forgetting some of the simple ****.
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    Does magic Def stop miracles? Empty Re: Does magic Def stop miracles?

    Post by Forum Pirate Sun May 26, 2013 5:46 pm

    awwww. damn. I miss being special

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    Does magic Def stop miracles? Empty Re: Does magic Def stop miracles?

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