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    Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D


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    Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D Empty Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D

    Post by divinebeanpole Tue May 28, 2013 11:44 am

    As the title implies...

    He chooses his own weapon setup, I only tweak it for him to keep him a decent midrolling tank

    Any takers? He has quite a handle of the game, but has no concept of parrying or dodging really. he does block and seems to have mastered unlocked greatswords by himself somehow haha

    He is schooling forest nUbs at the moment left and right.

    Shoot me a message if youre interested

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    Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D Empty Re: Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D

    Post by twigsterxd Tue May 28, 2013 11:53 am

    I suck at PvP but would definitely like to see how a 4 yr old does it. Too bad you're xbox sad
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    Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D Empty Re: Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Wed May 29, 2013 5:54 pm

    Yes a shame you are Xbox, my 4 year old daughter and 7 year old son would love to fight him.
    Phoenix Rising
    Phoenix Rising

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    Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D Empty Re: Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D

    Post by Phoenix Rising Wed May 29, 2013 6:01 pm

    maybe some other day David Duchovny...

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    Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D Empty Re: Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D

    Post by Myztyrio Wed May 29, 2013 8:51 pm

    I'll take up the challenge! Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D 2640184516

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    Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D Empty Re: Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D

    Post by Nccbd Thu May 30, 2013 8:55 pm

    What soul lvl is ur son' s character. I had a new toon and name him the Hulk. I can have some fun with ur son. My toon is lvl 59. Thanks

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    Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D Empty Re: Duel a 4 year old. Use unupgraded weapons as handicap . He's not half bad =D

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