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    Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong?


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    Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong? Empty Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong?

    Post by exterminator2 Tue May 28, 2013 5:33 pm

    Hello everyone,
    I was looking to make a build utilizing strength and ranged combat on Mugenmonkey when I noticed this odd detail. According to the Mugenmonkey's AR Calculator, Gough's Greatbow deals 258 damage at 47 strength and 20 dex without factoring in arrows. However, when you put in 27 strength and 40 dex, it yields 286 damage,even though the weapon scales at B with strength and C with dexterity
    When I put these stats into the actual Mugenmonkey Character Planner with Gough's arrows equipped, 47 strength with 20 dex deals 471 damage while 27 strength and 40 dex deals 523 damage. From reading some other posts before, it would seem that Mugenmonkey has been wrong before (ex. factoring in arrow damage twice). However, even more odd is that a 47/20 composite bow with large arrows deals 385 damage while a 27/40 deals 438, even though it scales both dex and strength at equally at C (via Mugenmonkey character planner).
    Do bows have an innately higher Dex scaling that isn't shown, or is the Mugenmonkey planner just completely wrong?

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    Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong? Empty Re: Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong?

    Post by Elifia Wed May 29, 2013 1:23 am

    I'm pretty sure that it's because you're 2-handing it. When 2-handing, Str soft-caps at 27, so going over that results in very little scaling. Dex however keeps scaling properly until 40.
    You could simply compare it to the AR values in-game though, if you wanna be sure.

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    Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong? Empty Re: Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong?

    Post by ICEFANG Wed May 29, 2013 4:34 am

    I dunno how it affects damage, but I learned that, other than the DragonSlayer GreatBow (which is also true for, but I also already knew), if you don't meet the STR requirement, 2 handing it does not make it happen, that requirement is needed as an actual number (you have to have 11, not 8 STR for the Composite Bow).

    The whiff is pretty funny, you stagger after the fire a lot, like you almost died and your heart stopped in fear of losing an arm.

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    Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong? Empty Re: Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong?

    Post by exterminator2 Wed May 29, 2013 12:06 pm

    Ahh thank you guys so much for that- I really appreciate it. I haven't been able to find a good answer for that anywhere else. I'm actually relatively new to Dark Souls, so I haven't even obtained Gough's Greatbow yet (though I've read how to get it). I've still wanted to make a viable ranged build capping at 120 for both PvE and PvP though; I figured getting more experienced input would be a good idea before committing to the build.
    I did just get the Dragonslayer GB the other day- that huge as heck thing is satisfying as all get out to fire huge arrows out of, even if my guy's arm flies off xD

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    Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong? Empty Re: Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong?

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Wed May 29, 2013 2:29 pm

    The minimum requirement is still 27 for the bow, but when it calculate's your STR, it counts as 2handing, so your effective str is 27*1.5 = 40.5. After 40 str, you get diminishing returns.
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    Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong? Empty Re: Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong?

    Post by RANT Wed May 29, 2013 3:02 pm

    I made a build for this and for some stupid reason it scales better with dex, after 27 str you get really crappy diminishing returns(about 1 per sl) Im pretty sure all bows scale like this but what really pisses me off is that gough's clearly scales better for str but I have no idea why it stops getting any scaling after 27 str. so if you're gonna make a build for it go with a quality build. also two handing it does not get the 1.5 modifier that weapons get.

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    Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong? Empty Re: Mugenmonkey's Parameter Scaling of Bows Completely Wrong?

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Wed May 29, 2013 11:48 pm

    I just explained it above your post Rant... it does not get the 1.5 for required stats, but it does for scaling. Maybe it would be clearer if the required stats just took into account the 1.5 multiplier, as you cannot use a bow without 2 hands. So instead of needing 20 STR required for a Dragon Slayer bow, it should just say 30. Since you use it 2-Handed, you can use it at 20.

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