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    Parrying tips.


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    Parrying tips. Empty Parrying tips.

    Post by EeAyEss Wed May 29, 2013 2:27 pm

    While I don't have the best parry skills, I have pretty decent PvP skills, as I'm sure some of you can attest to.

    About my parry skills: they are frightfully sub-par. The only things I can parry are roughly greatswords and UG weapons. I can barely parry anything else. My main nemeses, however, are curved swords. I don't get it. How do people say these things are easy to parry. I can't parry them for the life of me. That being said, I am running with no poise to improve my skills and lessen my reliance on high poise.

    Any tips on parrying curved swords? And any other weapon?

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    Parrying tips. Empty Re: Parrying tips.

    Post by Glutebrah Wed May 29, 2013 2:29 pm

    you either have to

    A. predict parry parry before they actually swing. Don't attempt this to much especially at the start of a match. try and get a feel for their play style so you can predict when they will attack better. To many missed "predict parry" attempts will result in them circling you and BSing you when your in the parry animation.


    B. tank one hit (don't block) and immediately parry once you get hit to parry the 2nd swing assuming they spam R1. A good Curved sword user won't just spam R1 though into some one with a shield down, they will attack once flip away, or attack once and circle you for a BS because they expect you to parry.

    its a rock/paper/scissors game.

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    Parrying tips. Empty Re: Parrying tips.

    Post by EeAyEss Wed May 29, 2013 2:34 pm

    MY only option is A for right now, because with no poise I can't really tank anything. I'm also working on my toggling, but I think toggle-parrying a curved sword is nigh-on impossible.

    Is it just me, or does the "devil" emote look like Frieza? devil

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    Parrying tips. Empty Re: Parrying tips.

    Post by SadPanda Wed May 29, 2013 2:46 pm

    EeAyEss wrote:Is it just me, or does the "devil" emote look like Frieza? Parrying tips. 1003939430
    I always though it looked like Glalie from 3rd Gen Pokemon happy

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    Parrying tips. Empty Re: Parrying tips.

    Post by EeAyEss Wed May 29, 2013 2:59 pm

    SadPanda wrote:
    EeAyEss wrote:Is it just me, or does the "devil" emote look like Frieza? Parrying tips. 1003939430
    I always though it looked like Glalie from 3rd Gen Pokemon happy

    I can see that too. 1st gen is best gen. Just saying.

    Anyone else have parrying tips besides Glute?

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    Parrying tips. Empty Re: Parrying tips.

    Post by KrazykevS10 Wed May 29, 2013 3:09 pm

    With slower weapons,you can tank the hit with your shield and then parry.A good way to know someone will attack is if you are strafing each other and they step towards you.Many people step in then attack and roll away,it's very obvious when you know to watch for it.

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    Parrying tips. Empty Re: Parrying tips.

    Post by robsthedon Wed May 29, 2013 3:20 pm

    Make sure you're real close, close enough to give them a kiss.
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    Parrying tips. Empty Re: Parrying tips.

    Post by Animaaal Wed May 29, 2013 6:33 pm

    I think when people talk about how easy it is to parry certain dex weps, they're talking about doing it with 31 poise...sorry, I know that doesn't help much.

    I think toggle parry would be your best option here.

    Also, just imo, I always have at least 6 poise for parrying daggers.

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    Parrying tips. Empty Re: Parrying tips.

    Post by Myztyrio Wed May 29, 2013 11:26 pm

    If you know the weapon movesets and watch how your opponent plays, you can eventually predict when to throw out a parry. I only recently started doing legit, like organized pvp, and I've hit a success rate of about 3:1 parry attempts.

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    Parrying tips. Empty Re: Parrying tips.

    Post by Glutebrah Thu May 30, 2013 2:33 pm

    Myztyrio wrote:If you know the weapon movesets and watch how your opponent plays, you can eventually predict when to throw out a parry. I only recently started doing legit, like organized pvp, and I've hit a success rate of about 3:1 parry attempts.

    so you parry them 3x for every 1 attempt? teach me your skills

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