wretchedsausage wrote:
Righto. I think we all know that nobody is suggesting the the creation or pursuit of goals is unreasonable. Rather, we all take issue with your idea that everyone must "Do whatever it takes to accomplish the goal", or forever be labelled by all as a noob. You are also suggesting that all players who don't create limitations are inherently highly skilled, and are much better at the game than those who do, regardless of experience, understanding of mechanics, time spent playing, or any other apparently unimportant statistics.
Also, you argue thatThis is a lie. Choosing to limit the way you play is not a mindset, but most certainly a playstyle, and in some instances, is also related to skill level. By saying that anyone who limits the way they play is automatically a noob, you are insulting the playstyles and skill levels of a huge proportion of the Dark Souls community.LunarFog wrote: "...Skill level's and play-styles should not be designated as such - I never talked about skill level or play-style. Just mindsets."
Sounds to me like you're just emotional and make baseless assumptions depending on how you feel. I've never implied that people who don't make limitations are higher-skilled than people who do. I just said that by abiding to extra rules that you make for yourself then you're functioning at a lower skill level than your max.
You also got it in your head that I thought that limitations are inherently bad. Rule 1: Set a goal. Rule 2: Accomplish the goal. If your goal is to play through a certain set of rules you established for yourself then that's good. If you follow limits that you don't even like jut because other people do it, then that's bad.
Honestly, and correct me if I'm wrong, it's basically like I told you that you'd be stupid if you didn't try to live your life to make yourself happy. And then you got all offended because you didn't like my tone and started twisting what I meant in your own head.
LunarFog wrote:Rules to live by: 1.)Live to make yourself happy. 2.) Set goals for yourself and achieve them 3.)Always try to benefit others along with yourself. If you don't live by these rules then you're an idiot
wretchedsausage wrote:Oh! So what your saying is I'm an idiot if I don't do exactly what you tell me to!?