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Soris Ice Goldwing
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    How To Play Dark Souls


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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by LunarFog Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:12 pm

    wretchedsausage wrote:

    Righto. I think we all know that nobody is suggesting the the creation or pursuit of goals is unreasonable. Rather, we all take issue with your idea that everyone must "Do whatever it takes to accomplish the goal", or forever be labelled by all as a noob. You are also suggesting that all players who don't create limitations are inherently highly skilled, and are much better at the game than those who do, regardless of experience, understanding of mechanics, time spent playing, or any other apparently unimportant statistics.

    Also, you argue that
    LunarFog wrote: "...Skill level's and play-styles should not be designated as such - I never talked about skill level or play-style. Just mindsets."
    This is a lie. Choosing to limit the way you play is not a mindset, but most certainly a playstyle, and in some instances, is also related to skill level. By saying that anyone who limits the way they play is automatically a noob, you are insulting the playstyles and skill levels of a huge proportion of the Dark Souls community.

    Sounds to me like you're just emotional and make baseless assumptions depending on how you feel. I've never implied that people who don't make limitations are higher-skilled than people who do. I just said that by abiding to extra rules that you make for yourself then you're functioning at a lower skill level than your max.

    You also got it in your head that I thought that limitations are inherently bad. Rule 1: Set a goal. Rule 2: Accomplish the goal. If your goal is to play through a certain set of rules you established for yourself then that's good. If you follow limits that you don't even like jut because other people do it, then that's bad.

    Honestly, and correct me if I'm wrong, it's basically like I told you that you'd be stupid if you didn't try to live your life to make yourself happy. And then you got all offended because you didn't like my tone and started twisting what I meant in your own head.

    LunarFog wrote:Rules to live by: 1.)Live to make yourself happy. 2.) Set goals for yourself and achieve them 3.)Always try to benefit others along with yourself. If you don't live by these rules then you're an idiot
    wretchedsausage wrote:Oh! So what your saying is I'm an idiot if I don't do exactly what you tell me to!?

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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by reim0027 Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:10 pm

    Before this gets more out of hand . . . We all have a right to disagree. But, if you feel attacked for your opinion, it is best to discuss that via PM with that person and work it out. If you are not comfortable with this, feel free to contact a mod or admin.

    As most of you know, these types of debates, where people start quoting one line and discussing them rarely, if ever, come to a consensus.

    Let's not make this personal. Respect other's opinions and maturely discuss your differing views.

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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by wretchedsausage Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:47 am

    I think it is clear that LunarFog has realised just how ridiculous her original post is, but is refusing to admit her mistake for fear of ridicule, or perhaps because of pride. I feel that there is nothing more I can do, so I will allow others to populate this thread with their own personal play-styles, and hope that LunarFog will grow up, move on, and stop trying to dictate to others how they should play. It's a game, and the only rule is to have fun.

    My part in this argument is now over, and I hope that all other involved parties will also move on.

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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by BrotherBob Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:09 am

    LunarFog wrote:Rule 1: Establish a goal
    Rule 2: Accomplish the goal
    Rule 3: Don't limit yourself

    I'll skip all the insults if you can tell me which of those vague guidelines states that you should listen to how I tell you to play.

    I'll argue against this logic:

    In many cases, this seems like a terrific way to play a game and live life in general. People set goals all the time - lose weight, get a promotion, improve personal relationships. All of these are valid goals. Unreasonable goals might be to hurt other individuals. An unreasonable goal for Dark Souls would be to find a way to hack the game and ruin the experience of online play for others. However, arguing against Rule 1 is not my focus.

    Rule 2 simply tells us that we should strive to accomplish the (hopefully) reasonable and valid goals we set for ourselves. After all, that is the purpose of goal-setting: achievement. The problem (and the problem with Rule 3 as well) appears in how we go about this achievement. Do we do it fairly and with respect for others? A real-life example might be that we set a goal of getting promoted, but do so by seeking to first destroy the reputations of our competitors. An in-game example would be that we set a goal of farming humanity and souls by hosting PvP fights at low levels, but go about this by equipping a fully-upgraded Pyromancy Flame and firing off a Fire Tempest right as an invader spawns. Some people will say that a game doesn't demand that we respect others as we do in real life. Again, that's the reason for threads like this: debate.

    The reason that I believe that respect belongs in a game like Dark Souls is simple. I think that we all play Dark Souls for the fun of it. In my experience, if both the host and the invader treat each other with respect (whatever you believe that to be; we'll all have different definitions), both parties tend to leave the encounter with the sense that they had fun, regardless of who won or lost.

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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by Myztyrio Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:11 am

    Hmm, I thought this was going to be about the art of PvE. Making it through the world of darkness alone, and using your abilities as a being, a thinker and doer, to do what you believe is right. PvP can be incorporated into as interactions with outsiders, but what should be discussed is the individual goals and process of each person's Dark Souls experience.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:27 am

    For me playing this game is broken down to these things
    1: Understand the controls
    2: Test what you feel comfortable with
    3: Experiment
    4: Find what is your build to work with.
    Then from here 5, 6 and 7 are Lunar's but with one thing extra
    9: Have Fun

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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by LunarFog Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:34 am


    Last edited by reim0027 on Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:29 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Edited flaming statements)

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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by LunarFog Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:38 am

    BrotherBob wrote:
    LunarFog wrote:Rule 1: Establish a goal
    Rule 2: Accomplish the goal
    Rule 3: Don't limit yourself

    I'll skip all the insults if you can tell me which of those vague guidelines states that you should listen to how I tell you to play.

    I'll argue against this logic:

    In many cases, this seems like a terrific way to play a game and live life in general. People set goals all the time - lose weight, get a promotion, improve personal relationships. All of these are valid goals. Unreasonable goals might be to hurt other individuals. An unreasonable goal for Dark Souls would be to find a way to hack the game and ruin the experience of online play for others. However, arguing against Rule 1 is not my focus.

    Rule 2 simply tells us that we should strive to accomplish the (hopefully) reasonable and valid goals we set for ourselves. After all, that is the purpose of goal-setting: achievement. The problem (and the problem with Rule 3 as well) appears in how we go about this achievement. Do we do it fairly and with respect for others? A real-life example might be that we set a goal of getting promoted, but do so by seeking to first destroy the reputations of our competitors. An in-game example would be that we set a goal of farming humanity and souls by hosting PvP fights at low levels, but go about this by equipping a fully-upgraded Pyromancy Flame and firing off a Fire Tempest right as an invader spawns. Some people will say that a game doesn't demand that we respect others as we do in real life. Again, that's the reason for threads like this: debate.

    The reason that I believe that respect belongs in a game like Dark Souls is simple. I think that we all play Dark Souls for the fun of it. In my experience, if both the host and the invader treat each other with respect (whatever you believe that to be; we'll all have different definitions), both parties tend to leave the encounter with the sense that they had fun, regardless of who won or lost.

    Thanks for understanding the rules a bit better than some other people BroBob. I could have went into more detail on them, but I didn't think that writing a legal document so that people would understand was necesarry.

    All the rules mean and imply is that Dark Souls is a game. You should do whatever you want(short of hacking the game I guess) to ensure that you have the most fun. Following self-imposed rules that make it less fun because you have a faulty way of thinking is one of the worst things you can do for yourself.

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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by SirArchmage Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:50 am

    I don't even care what this argument is about, but that picture How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 2640184516 Glorious
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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:10 am

    This thread has resulted in a net loss in the level of my faith in the goodness of this community.

    That was a mouthful!

    I feel sad.

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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by raecor14 Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:22 am

    step 1: get falchon

    step 2: buff
    step 3: R1 SPAM
    step 4: use the well what is it emote,
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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by Tolvo Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:28 am

    1: Have a copy of Dark Souls.
    2: Put it in a device that plays games, install if that is required.
    3: Go to games and play Dark Souls.

    And that is how you play Dark Souls simply.

    Now if I see people trying to bash other people for how they play anymore I will in detail describe my scrotum in a PM to the offending parties.

    And trust me, it won't be a pretty PM people.

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    How To Play Dark Souls - Page 2 Empty Re: How To Play Dark Souls

    Post by reim0027 Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:11 pm

    This is an interesting topic, destined to generate controversy. Hopefully we can get it back on topic and continue this discussion. If not, then I suggest we let it die.

    When I'm cooping and we get invaded, I have no qualms about jumping the invader or sniping him with my Avelyn. But, then again, they have no qualms with running away and healing behind enemies. IMO, fair game. They are being ganged up on by a host who can instaheal the phantom. The invader is just trying to even up the odds.

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