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    Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy


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    Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy - Page 3 Empty Re: Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy

    Post by phastings Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:39 am

    yea way too bubbly.. i bet it was an inside joke by the devs in an attempt to troll us haha. kinda like how they did this: 1) :pendant: 2) ??? 3) nothing happened. facepalm of the century.

    but definitely some great pics. I wonder if we will see a level that takes place on a grounded ship. that would be pretty cool. looks like some building protruding from the ocean, so perhaps there will be a ship travel element. very intriguing to think on how they would implement that.

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    Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy - Page 3 Empty Re: Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy

    Post by eminusx Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:04 pm

    im not sure about the town thing. To me, the lonliness of Firelink is key to setting the tone of the game, youre isolated on your travels, weary, you gain solace from the light from the fire, and the stationary npcs in there just add to the mysterious, ghostly feel of the place.

    If you had a town with people wandering around you could lose that atmosphere, unless it had a pub!!!!b :-)

    I think a good replacement for Firelink whould be a sea-cave with the new npc's scattered about in old shipwrecks, shrines inside the cave, tunnels that lead to a secret garden, or some architecture above that maybe extends down into the cave. just something different but still isolated and atmospheric., Dark Soulsy.

    Just having another look at the artwork, there is a reference or evidence of water in most of the artworks, so maybe that is a key thread in DS 2. DS had the age of fire, maybe DS2 has the age of water? Not sure how that would 'link' with the first flame etc but its possible, we dont know much about when or where its set yet. A lot of the architecture looks like theyve been destroyed by water damage or flooding, and the chateaux on the mountainside / damn looks like the damn has burst and destroyed the pone at the bottom. Could the waterwheels be a version of Sens mechanised fortress?
    Lorrac ESP
    Lorrac ESP

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    Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy - Page 3 Empty Re: Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy

    Post by Lorrac ESP Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:03 pm

    It appears it is legit.

    The artist is chinese and was hired to produce concepte art for DS2. Apparently From accepted some, but not all.

    The poor guy posted it online after the official announcement with the gameplay reveal thinking it would be kosher and is now being sued by From for breach of contract.

    The artist posted this on his weibo, which is the chinese twitter.

    No details were given about what was accepted and what was rejected, but if he was commisioned to do concept art for a town might mean there is one in the game, but this is just my speculation.

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    Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy - Page 3 Empty Re: Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy

    Post by steveswede Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:31 pm

    Lorrac ESP wrote:It appears it is legit.

    The artist is chinese and was hired to produce concepte art for DS2. Apparently From accepted some, but not all.

    The poor guy posted it online after the official announcement with the gameplay reveal thinking it would be kosher and is now being sued by From for breach of contract.

    The artist posted this on his weibo, which is the chinese twitter.

    No details were given about what was accepted and what was rejected, but if he was commisioned to do concept art for a town might mean there is one in the game, but this is just my speculation.

    Aww man what a bummer of a situation.
    Lorrac ESP
    Lorrac ESP

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    Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy - Page 3 Empty Re: Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy

    Post by Lorrac ESP Sun Jun 09, 2013 12:14 am

    steveswede wrote:
    Lorrac ESP wrote:It appears it is legit.

    The artist is chinese and was hired to produce concepte art for DS2. Apparently From accepted some, but not all.

    The poor guy posted it online after the official announcement with the gameplay reveal thinking it would be kosher and is now being sued by From for breach of contract.

    The artist posted this on his weibo, which is the chinese twitter.

    No details were given about what was accepted and what was rejected, but if he was commisioned to do concept art for a town might mean there is one in the game, but this is just my speculation.

    Aww man what a bummer of a situation.


    Have to say I'm not a fan of his characters and armor designs, but the environments are fantastic.

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    Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy - Page 3 Empty Re: Concept Art - Not Sure if Legit but Enjoy

    Post by Baal-Avatar Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:45 pm

    Apparently it was legit:

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