1.) General overview and pros/cons
2.) In-depth stat description
3.) mediums
4.) Summoning overview
5.) Individual summons
Can summon phantoms that act as a completely separate entity to assist you
All phantoms are very powerful
Without summons, the player itself is significantly weaker than others at the same level
Summons take very long to cast
Powerful summons leaves your character vulnerable
Summons require a very high stat investment
The stat required for summoners would be known as Spirit, or SPI. SPI's one and only use is to meet the minimum requirements to use certain summons. It doesn't scale with any weapons, it doesn't grant more special resistances than any other stat, and it doesn't make your summons stronger. This makes it so that without summons, every point invested into SPI is essentially a wasted point. Pure summoners who spent 50 points on SPI would be as strong as people 50 levels below them if for some reason they weren't fighting with summons. The reason behind this is to balance the fact that summoners have skills that are essentially a whole second person or second life by making their real bodies physically weaker.
Stat bonuses you can get with certain charms are:
Faster cast times
Longer summoning durations
A field that protects the summoner when a summon is active
More health for the summon
More attack for the summon
A force-like explosion around the character when he starts a summon
Independent summoning
Attunement slots: 1
SPI requirements: 15-35
Cast time: 10 seconds
Number of casts: 1-2
Limits: summons have both health bars and a certain time limit and will disappear when either runs out. The health ranges from 500-3000 HP. the time limit is 3-5 minutes. You can also cancel a summon by "summoning" the same phantom
Behavior: summons will follow you like friendly-NPC phantoms. Depending on the summon, their behavior would differ. For example: how far it wanders from you, it's aggro range and level, etc.
Summoner status: maintains full control of your character.
Dependent summoning
Attunement slots: 1-2
SPI requirements: 30-45
Cast time: 1 second
Number of casts: 3-8
Limits: duration time is 5-20 seconds. Hold the button down to continue using the spell, releasing the button will end the spell immediately.
Behavior: dependent summons are more similar to AoE spells like firestorm rather than friendly NPC phantoms. Their AoE is roughly 10-30 feet around the summoner and cannot go beyond that area.
Summoner status: the summoner is in a defenseless state where they can only walk while they "concentrate" on their summon
Full-control summon
Attunement slots: 2-3
SPI requirements: 40-60
Cast time: 5 seconds
Number of casts: 1-3
Limits: The average time-limit is 30-120 seconds. health ranges from 1000-2000. The summon also disappears when the summoner is staggered heavily enough. The summon cannot be cancelled b the summoner by normal means; it has to die first.
Behavior: When summoned, the player takes direct control of the summon.
Summoner status: while the summon is active, the players real body is immobile in a kneeling position while he is fully enraptured in the summon until they are attacked or the summon ends.
Independent Summons
Dependent Summons
Full-Control Summons
1.) General overview and pros/cons
2.) In-depth stat description
3.) mediums
4.) Summoning overview
5.) Individual summons
General overview
Pure summoners are significantly weaker than any other type of character and rely heavily on their summons. They are hard to incorporate into other classes and require very high stat investments. In return you are able to summon phantoms that vary from ones who are similar to summoning a friendly NPC phantom, to those who are more like a miniature boss who fights by your side.PROS
Can summon phantoms that act as a completely separate entity to assist you
All phantoms are very powerful
Without summons, the player itself is significantly weaker than others at the same level
Summons take very long to cast
Powerful summons leaves your character vulnerable
Summons require a very high stat investment
The stat required for summoners would be known as Spirit, or SPI. SPI's one and only use is to meet the minimum requirements to use certain summons. It doesn't scale with any weapons, it doesn't grant more special resistances than any other stat, and it doesn't make your summons stronger. This makes it so that without summons, every point invested into SPI is essentially a wasted point. Pure summoners who spent 50 points on SPI would be as strong as people 50 levels below them if for some reason they weren't fighting with summons. The reason behind this is to balance the fact that summoners have skills that are essentially a whole second person or second life by making their real bodies physically weaker.
To be honest I'm still thinking of what the medium for summoners would be. I'm thinking they'll be called "Charms" and be un-upgradeable miscellaneous items like a bead necklace wrapped around your hand, a fan, or anything else you can imagine a gypsy or superstitious old person use to cast a spell. Some types of charms would be better used with some types of summons. For example, the fang charm would go better with all animal-type phantoms.Stat bonuses you can get with certain charms are:
Faster cast times
Longer summoning durations
A field that protects the summoner when a summon is active
More health for the summon
More attack for the summon
A force-like explosion around the character when he starts a summon
There are three types of summoning: dependent, independent, and full-control summoning. Only one independent summon can be active at once. An independent summon CAN be active while you use a dependent summon OR a full-control summon. All summons will have a trail of light or energy that connects them to the summoner and will indicate which direction the summoner is in cases of the summon wandering far away from the summoner. Although summoners can be attacked while a summon is active, they cannot be backstabbed.Independent summoning
Attunement slots: 1
SPI requirements: 15-35
Cast time: 10 seconds
Number of casts: 1-2
Limits: summons have both health bars and a certain time limit and will disappear when either runs out. The health ranges from 500-3000 HP. the time limit is 3-5 minutes. You can also cancel a summon by "summoning" the same phantom
Behavior: summons will follow you like friendly-NPC phantoms. Depending on the summon, their behavior would differ. For example: how far it wanders from you, it's aggro range and level, etc.
Summoner status: maintains full control of your character.
Dependent summoning
Attunement slots: 1-2
SPI requirements: 30-45
Cast time: 1 second
Number of casts: 3-8
Limits: duration time is 5-20 seconds. Hold the button down to continue using the spell, releasing the button will end the spell immediately.
Behavior: dependent summons are more similar to AoE spells like firestorm rather than friendly NPC phantoms. Their AoE is roughly 10-30 feet around the summoner and cannot go beyond that area.
Summoner status: the summoner is in a defenseless state where they can only walk while they "concentrate" on their summon
Full-control summon
Attunement slots: 2-3
SPI requirements: 40-60
Cast time: 5 seconds
Number of casts: 1-3
Limits: The average time-limit is 30-120 seconds. health ranges from 1000-2000. The summon also disappears when the summoner is staggered heavily enough. The summon cannot be cancelled b the summoner by normal means; it has to die first.
Behavior: When summoned, the player takes direct control of the summon.
Summoner status: while the summon is active, the players real body is immobile in a kneeling position while he is fully enraptured in the summon until they are attacked or the summon ends.
Independent Summons
Dependent Summons
Full-Control Summons
Last edited by LunarFog on Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:24 pm; edited 4 times in total