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    My analysis


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    Post by mr_no_face Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:49 am

    There is going to be a lot of threads discussing the new trailer shown off at E3. It was definitely interesting, but I am waiting the show floor to present some actual gameplay if it is there. Any who things I noticed in the trailer GOOD/BAD


    - it appeard he was fighting multiple....MULLtiple enemies at a time. IDK is he was being dumb and gathering enemies together to show of intense combat or if there will be more situations calling for faster & more action based combat. I honestly don't know ho i feel about this

    - mirror knight is cool I just hope the knight that pops out is either player controlled or the most recent player in the region to have fallen to the boss. rewind theater brought up that point and i thought it was cool

    -cooler bonfire animations ... sweet

    -constant dual wielding. or two handing a sword. this calls out to a reckless player or you can shoot a bow into your enemies face and combo off of it . this will be interesting .

    * over all this trailer is showing Dark Souls 2 to be way more fast paced and hacky and slashy. I hope that's not the case but we will hopefully seee game floor presentations
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    My analysis  Empty Re: My analysis

    Post by Dibsville Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:58 am

    My thoughts:

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    Post by Halicarnassis Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:03 am

    Too much analysis breeds disappointment
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    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:46 am

    agreed hali.

    Plus no face faaster doesn't mean more hacky slashy. If you ever played demon's souls, it was 10 times faster than dark, but still has that distinct combat feel of the souls games. I have no qualms that will continue.

    I think forcing you to fight multiple enemies at a time would be a good thing. In dark it's far too easy to bait one at a time and make things really easy (the only excepttion is the first part of Duke's archives). They improved upon this in the DLC and forced some multiple enemy combat effectively in my opinion. Hopefully they can translate this to dark 2 and make enemy encounters more varied and interesting, while having some slower more tactical battles and also the very fast, reaction based combat that occurs in multiple fighting and against fast bosses like flamelurker, sanctuary guardian etc.

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