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    where are my souls after being defeated as a black phantom?


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    where are my souls after being defeated as a black phantom? Empty where are my souls after being defeated as a black phantom?

    Post by Micha369 Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:20 pm

    Hello folks,

    I've just started to try a little pvp in DeS. But I don't understand the rules. I invade an other world and I'm defeated. Then I'm put back to my world and sometimes my souls are gone completely, sometimes I still have them and sometimes they have been reduced. What are the rules here?

    Thanks for your help!

    Best wishes
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    where are my souls after being defeated as a black phantom? Empty Re: where are my souls after being defeated as a black phantom?

    Post by Reaperfan Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:16 pm

    I never invaded much, and when I did, I stopped caring about souls because I'd always just kill myself in the Nexus to get back to Soul Form so I could invade again.  To the best of my memory, after being defeated as a Black Phantom, your bloodstain should appear near the same area you were standing when you first received the "Invading another player's world" message.  I could be totally wrong, but it's somewhere to start looking at least straight face

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    where are my souls after being defeated as a black phantom? Empty Re: where are my souls after being defeated as a black phantom?

    Post by Walter_White Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:53 am

    agree with reaper - if you start to invade, don't care about souls anymore
    if you die from environment, your sl is reduced by one. one way of deleveling

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    where are my souls after being defeated as a black phantom? Empty Re: where are my souls after being defeated as a black phantom?

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