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    Resolved: Help with Capra Demon ng+ - ps3 sl 102 and questions re: co-op


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    Resolved: Help with Capra Demon ng+ - ps3 sl 102 and questions re: co-op Empty Resolved: Help with Capra Demon ng+ - ps3 sl 102 and questions re: co-op

    Post by roomsixteen Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:15 am

    psnid: roomsixteen
    I'm at sl 102 right now, may level up to 103 by tomorrow. I will be on tomorrow afternoon (central time).

    I tried to ask a friend for help, at the time I was at sl 101, and he was at 92. I never found his summon sign, even after resetting the console, starting the game at the same time, etc. So my question is, when forum users ask for help, how often do players actually find summon signs? I've read that it's mostly random so it seems asking for help specifically is pointless? I've read the guide to co-op on the site; are there any other resources I should be looking at?

    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for the help, Green_Eagle

    Last edited by roomsixteen on Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Resolved: Help with Capra Demon ng+ - ps3 sl 102 and questions re: co-op Empty Re: Resolved: Help with Capra Demon ng+ - ps3 sl 102 and questions re: co-op

    Post by karchun Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:47 am

    roomsixteen wrote:psnid: roomsixteen
    I'm at sl 102 right now, may level up to 103 by tomorrow. I will be on tomorrow afternoon (central time).

    I tried to ask a friend for help, at the time I was at sl 101, and he was at 92. I never found his summon sign, even after resetting the console, starting the game at the same time, etc. So my question is, when forum users ask for help, how often do players actually find summon signs? I've read that it's mostly random so it seems asking for help specifically is pointless? I've read the guide to co-op on the site; are there any other resources I should be looking at?

    Thanks in advance!

    The darksouls summoning system is F***** up in many ways!!! It seems that most of my friends i want to play coop with is never seen/if seen never able to summon, yet i can summon those who aren't my friend with ease :evil:
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    Resolved: Help with Capra Demon ng+ - ps3 sl 102 and questions re: co-op Empty Re: Resolved: Help with Capra Demon ng+ - ps3 sl 102 and questions re: co-op

    Post by Tolvo Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:01 am

    I've never actually had an issue with being summoned by anyone on the forums, it may take a few minutes but I've never had it where they couldn't summon me, the only issue I've ever had is myself getting summoned by other people around certain bosses.


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    Resolved: Help with Capra Demon ng+ - ps3 sl 102 and questions re: co-op Empty Re: Resolved: Help with Capra Demon ng+ - ps3 sl 102 and questions re: co-op

    Post by Green__Eagle Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:29 am

    I'll add you; I should be on tomorrow afternoon.

    I've only had one person who had trouble summoning me. Maybe because he was in the same covenant. I'm not sure. I'm a Chaos Servant +2.

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    Resolved: Help with Capra Demon ng+ - ps3 sl 102 and questions re: co-op Empty Re: Resolved: Help with Capra Demon ng+ - ps3 sl 102 and questions re: co-op

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