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    (Achievement) Wisdom of a Sage


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    (Achievement) Wisdom of a Sage Empty (Achievement) Wisdom of a Sage

    Post by kotaro123 Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:14 pm

    Hi guys!

    Just wanted to mention that you DO NOT need to have all the spells on one character (as of the latest update). I just unlocked the achievement on a SL13 reroll by buying a couple of spells from Dusk.

    Might be a bug though, but chances are small that it is.

    Cheers and don't forget to Praise The Sun cheers

    PS : I'll try to check if this works for the other achievements as well, maybe it does.

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    (Achievement) Wisdom of a Sage Empty Re: (Achievement) Wisdom of a Sage

    Post by FexDS Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:49 am

    It is a bug, the intention is that you obtain miracles on the same character.
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    (Achievement) Wisdom of a Sage Empty Re: (Achievement) Wisdom of a Sage

    Post by Sentiel Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:12 am

    Aldo, don't forget that DLC spells don't count towards Trophies/Achievements, so If you don't have them and still get the Trophy/Achievement, it's perfectly normal.

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    (Achievement) Wisdom of a Sage Empty Re: (Achievement) Wisdom of a Sage

    Post by kotaro123 Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:56 am

    If it's a bug I'm very lucky then though it is the first time that an achievement bugs like that. Very weird. Might as well be the consequence of the latest updates.

    I don't have the DLC, and as I unlocked the achievement, I was only SL13, with only Griggs and Dusk unlocked and only bought spells from Dusk. Very weird.

    EDIT : I'm on xbox. On other forums another xbox player (not sure if reliable though) mentions to have experienced the same thing for miracles, pyromancies and sorceries, but not for weapons. I do suspect that these achievements work in a different way than the honor of a knight, perhaps because some of these spells are covenant related. I'll check it out and report here.

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