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Something I would Love to see in Dark Souls 2
mr_no_face- Obsessed
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More bosses with souls you can forge into weapons. Or tails that can be cut off. Also Armor of bosses or armor from bosses. I love wearing or using the relics of my achievements. plus it's always fun to do a play through looking like you favorite boss
Aevun- Regular
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I'd like more awesome-sauce lithe movesets for weapons like the Priscilla dagger has.
LunarFog- Hollowed
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Yea they definitely do need to add in more special things you get from bosses. I feel like it was lacking in this game.
DS_Dene- Casual
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Yeah, more special moves would be nice.
Akuro- Newbie
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Can't agree more with the armor part. Nothing beats the feeling of being able to wear the spoils of war.
Dibsville- Abyss Dweller
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Need boss spells back.
kazumoshi- Obsessed
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Upvoted, Liked, Followed, Shamelessly promoted.Dibsville wrote:Need boss spells back.
I was incredibly miffed when I found out you couldn't get those amazing rapid fire lightning shots as a miracle from the Sanctuary guardian.
Dibsville- Abyss Dweller
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Pew pew pew.kazumoshi wrote:Upvoted, Liked, Followed, Shamelessly promoted.Dibsville wrote:Need boss spells back.
I was incredibly miffed when I found out you couldn't get those amazing rapid fire lightning shots as a miracle from the Sanctuary guardian.
Edit: I just realised that the two final bosses give you a boss spell. Good going From Soft.
mr_no_face- Obsessed
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I would have likes the crazy emit force the second asylum demon can do and even the fire sage
Dibsville- Abyss Dweller
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But...mr_no_face wrote:I would have likes the crazy emit force the second asylum demon can do and even the fire sage
We already have that...
Leeroy_Jenkins- Obsessed
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An upgrade path that turns weapons into catalysts. It would change the stat scaling of the weapon to like C's or B's for int, str, and dex depending on the weapon. The r1 would be the same but r2 would be you swing the weapon like a heavy attack and it can ether hit people the same but with bonus magic dmg (varies with each spell) or if nothing was hit in the swing it would cast the spell you had equipped. It would work with all sorcery's (except weapon buffs) but the swing speed of the r2 would change with each spell same as the catalyst (you have to focus longer to channel stronger sorcery into your weapon)....
sparkly-twinkly-lizard- Compulsory Poster
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artorias's boom buff instead of the sword... would require 40 faith
quelaags souls could give chaos surge (fire surge with lava!)
the moon light butterfly could give the multi spell needle attack.
yeah boss spells would be great, as would more breakable parts on bosses, not just tails but things like breakable pieces of armor or horns (ala monster hunter!)
quelaags souls could give chaos surge (fire surge with lava!)
the moon light butterfly could give the multi spell needle attack.
yeah boss spells would be great, as would more breakable parts on bosses, not just tails but things like breakable pieces of armor or horns (ala monster hunter!)
Undiscovery- Obsessed
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That's something DeS has over DaS. Every Boss Soul seemed like it had endless possibilities, not, although much more than DaS. Requiring multiple playthroughs for all possibilities. Also I'd like several weapon options per soul not just the ability to create what the boss was wielding, but maybe some otherweapon variant that harbors some boss skills and moves. Like a Badass-Manus-Darksoul-sword or something that casts AoE pursuer spell or what have you. Basically make boss souls more malleable and applicable in DaS2 would be a great add IMO. More useful ones as well.
Serious_Much- Moderator Trainee
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I think every single boss should yield at least 1 or 2 options for special weapons, spells, shields, armour, rings even and these SHOULD be PvP worthy, as most on dark aren't.
We just need more variety and ability from boss souls. Two weapons? maybe. But I'd rather be able to so 'no thanks' to a weapon for a kickass spell or shield.
We'll see what they choose to do anyways. Dark wasn't like demons where you obsessively collect demons souls and they were said to have great power. In dark bosses were just things standing in your way.
We just need more variety and ability from boss souls. Two weapons? maybe. But I'd rather be able to so 'no thanks' to a weapon for a kickass spell or shield.
We'll see what they choose to do anyways. Dark wasn't like demons where you obsessively collect demons souls and they were said to have great power. In dark bosses were just things standing in your way.
JoeBroski09- Chosen Undead
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Never played demon souls, but I've seen it. And I thought it was ridiculous how many things you could make from a boss soul.. Ridiculously amazing! More freedom would just be awesome. And more stories behind all the weapons and armors. Not just "Oh. I found this cool zweihander. Big sword." but if you found it on a dead onion knight, or stuck in the ground at his grave instead of a shiny. Imagine what story the server would have. So cool.
Exclusive- Casual
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More boss weapons, armor and spells would be cool, I would also like to be able to play through the whole game with people instead of just for a certain boss. Obviously if that did happen make it so the bosses are a lot stronger than they would be if you played solo.
mr_no_face- Obsessed
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yeah a " send phantom home" option after the boss is defeated would be cool . maybe even being able to rest at the bonfire with phantoms around.
twilightwarwolf- Revived
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I'd like the souls to do more and have the covenants influence events in game. They were a great idea in Dark but really didn't do anything major. Plus add in a spell/miracle for everyone and have it show your covenant by its color and boosted effect. So if they have a DW cov again the sword could be black with more physical dam and if your in a helping cov like sunbro your sword turns to a bright white and gets magic bonus and a divine paramiter.
JoeBroski09- Chosen Undead
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twilightwarwolf wrote:I'd like the souls to do more and have the covenants influence events in game. They were a great idea in Dark but really didn't do anything major. Plus add in a spell/miracle for everyone and have it show your covenant by its color and boosted effect. So if they have a DW cov again the sword could be black with more physical dam and if your in a helping cov like sunbro your sword turns to a bright white and gets magic bonus and a divine paramiter.
I actually like this idea. Granted, it'd need balancing. But it'd be really cool to have some real IDENTITY in a covenant, ya know? Like, you can actually have your character be part of a covenant and have it MEAN something.
Serious_Much- Moderator Trainee
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JoeBroski09 wrote:twilightwarwolf wrote:I'd like the souls to do more and have the covenants influence events in game. They were a great idea in Dark but really didn't do anything major. Plus add in a spell/miracle for everyone and have it show your covenant by its color and boosted effect. So if they have a DW cov again the sword could be black with more physical dam and if your in a helping cov like sunbro your sword turns to a bright white and gets magic bonus and a divine paramiter.
I actually like this idea. Granted, it'd need balancing. But it'd be really cool to have some real IDENTITY in a covenant, ya know? Like, you can actually have your character be part of a covenant and have it MEAN something.
That's why I feel they should place covenant restrictions on certain armours, weapons and spells. Wanna rock giants? Go join princess guard. Like katanas, forest cov is for you! Oh wanna use WoG? Way of white bro! If we limited the amount of things that covs could allow and forced choice, from could encourage build variety.
Jansports- Hollowed
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I like covenants rewarding the player with perks. The damage boost as you rank up on stuff like DMB the dragon roar and even gravelord sword dance is neat and gives the player a sense of Identity
Making too much Restricted by which covenant you're in is a terrible idea and wont produce build variety it'll simply produce different builds the player can choose to be pigeon holed into.
What if I want to cast WoG And use a katana? WotW and FH don't exactly have an exchange student program going on. Or if I want to be the slowest moving Chaos fire throwing thing on two feet I should be able to wear giant's armor and use Chaos pyromancy. (Using your examples of restrictions) Sure builds will be different, but not because of player choice, because it's literally impossible to make a build different from the guidlines that get set when you choose a Cov for it's reward.
It's bad enough that in DaS there will always be at least Two miracles you cannot cast despite knowing them and having the faith. Sorcery and Pyromancy don't suffer this. And honestly when one of these restricted spells requires 50faith and another 48 it's really a shame you can't make use of both of them at once. Sure you'll get your trophy for "Learning every Miracle" but then you turn around and can't use em.
While in DeS yeah I wanted like a billion boss souls, I needed to make it into a weapon and at least one spell if not a sorcery and a miracle, Armored Spider I'm looking at YOU (sweet bow, sorcery or miracle...god I spent FOREVER deciding) But this was a temporary problem that promoted venturing into the harder but satisfying Ng+ I think this is a wonderful system.
Making too much Restricted by which covenant you're in is a terrible idea and wont produce build variety it'll simply produce different builds the player can choose to be pigeon holed into.
What if I want to cast WoG And use a katana? WotW and FH don't exactly have an exchange student program going on. Or if I want to be the slowest moving Chaos fire throwing thing on two feet I should be able to wear giant's armor and use Chaos pyromancy. (Using your examples of restrictions) Sure builds will be different, but not because of player choice, because it's literally impossible to make a build different from the guidlines that get set when you choose a Cov for it's reward.
It's bad enough that in DaS there will always be at least Two miracles you cannot cast despite knowing them and having the faith. Sorcery and Pyromancy don't suffer this. And honestly when one of these restricted spells requires 50faith and another 48 it's really a shame you can't make use of both of them at once. Sure you'll get your trophy for "Learning every Miracle" but then you turn around and can't use em.
While in DeS yeah I wanted like a billion boss souls, I needed to make it into a weapon and at least one spell if not a sorcery and a miracle, Armored Spider I'm looking at YOU (sweet bow, sorcery or miracle...god I spent FOREVER deciding) But this was a temporary problem that promoted venturing into the harder but satisfying Ng+ I think this is a wonderful system.
Serious_Much- Moderator Trainee
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I think it's more we need to accept that FROM are gonna have in their balancing a set of top tier weapons/armour/spells. I simply think limiting this so that you can only use some would be better, as I'm sure we're all sick of fighting WoGing, flipping, SLB/DMB katana users. Share it out a bit is my opinion. If people don't choose variety, I'd rather we were forced into it really.
I'm not saying covenants is the ideal way to do it, but I just want there to be more encouragement to try out different things, because having people use mostly similar builds isn't fun to fight.
Demons to me isn't a great example as it was so easy to glitch and get bagillions of copies of each boss soul, so everyone did 1 NG and had every boss weapon and spell for kicks.
I'm not saying covenants is the ideal way to do it, but I just want there to be more encouragement to try out different things, because having people use mostly similar builds isn't fun to fight.
Demons to me isn't a great example as it was so easy to glitch and get bagillions of copies of each boss soul, so everyone did 1 NG and had every boss weapon and spell for kicks.
Jansports- Hollowed
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Well on a typical build of level 100-120 you ARE limited and have to make choices. While it is possible to Flip WoG and buff a katana with a standard 40vit,end,dex 30faith build, you're not simultaneously wearing the best armor, nor do you have the ability to stunlock, and unlike a similar leveled Str/Int build with a massively buffed Large Club you cannot end the fight in a single stun with a tickstab. You Can't cast any of the good sorceries or make great use of a quality weapon, your soaked up ring slot and weapon of choice also prohibits you from taking advantage of the greatness that is the Leo ring with a strong trusting weapon.
I mean there are a ton of things I would consider as "so strong I want it on my build" and despite my best efforts I can't fit close to half of them on a single build at 125 for fight clubbin
I mean there are a ton of things I would consider as "so strong I want it on my build" and despite my best efforts I can't fit close to half of them on a single build at 125 for fight clubbin
Undiscovery- Obsessed
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Yeah, the reason people use all similiar builds is from the metagaming. Soul Series needs to work on balancing their builds with alternatives to pros and cons not just different combinations of. I mean you can spend hours into a unique build, very cool and versatile PvE, but it's never going to matter when the same build can pwn any player (PvP) by being a flipping-lagstabbing-tank. Now you're just going to have flipping tanks everywhere because From didn't give any viable counters. Every Build needs a counter build, or a few for that sake, that way there is no 'king build' like the giant dads. Should be more like Paper, Scissors, Rock; not Paper, Scissors, Godhand.
Why anyone want to bother with other builds when none offer them equal power. It's like why even bother putting other **** in the game if this is the only one that's worth a spit. It's an insult to discover "Ooo I can choose from three different magic schools!" only to find out Sorcery > all other. It really makes our choices and efforts to create new builds met with dissatisfaction. So the problem seems to be From favoritism into certain play styles and mechanics. Like the difficulty differences PvE between a melee character and a caster. Casters tend to breeze through when there needs to be equal dangers for their play style, perhaps unique only to their build.
Also to an earlier point, The Blueblood sword is a good example of creating a boss weapon that has little to do with the actual boss. More surprise or customized use of the Boss Souls rather than just re-forging the bosses same equipment and skills is what I mean.
Why anyone want to bother with other builds when none offer them equal power. It's like why even bother putting other **** in the game if this is the only one that's worth a spit. It's an insult to discover "Ooo I can choose from three different magic schools!" only to find out Sorcery > all other. It really makes our choices and efforts to create new builds met with dissatisfaction. So the problem seems to be From favoritism into certain play styles and mechanics. Like the difficulty differences PvE between a melee character and a caster. Casters tend to breeze through when there needs to be equal dangers for their play style, perhaps unique only to their build.
Also to an earlier point, The Blueblood sword is a good example of creating a boss weapon that has little to do with the actual boss. More surprise or customized use of the Boss Souls rather than just re-forging the bosses same equipment and skills is what I mean.
JoeBroski09- Chosen Undead
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In my entire experience as a caster, and my knowledge of others playing as casters, mobs before bosses and in the general area are extremely difficult.Undiscovery wrote: Like the difficulty differences PvE between a melee character and a caster. Casters tend to breeze through when there needs to be equal dangers for their play style, perhaps unique only to their build.
As a melee, my favorite is a tank. Mobs are extremely easy as I just Poise through it and chug whenever I need to, but Bosses do so much damage, and I'm so slow, it's extremely difficult to out-maneuver their attacks.
As there are a million more builds I could mention, I feel like there is balance right now in the PvE scene. And PvP is extremely difficult to predict and balance. And with patches being so dang expensive, I'm sure FROM would have patched a lot, but could only do so much.
I hope they keep the same PvE feel, where one kind of enemy may be easy with a certain build, but as soon as you get to the next area, it could be a whole new game.
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