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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo


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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by StiffNipples Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:57 pm

    Shamelessly stolen from reddit, all credit to luutx, reposted here for those that don't go to that site. Link here.


    So I found some new info from this Famitsu report on the demo presentation in Tokyo today, in the photos of the instruction cards given to the journalists:


    - There's a new special attack called the "guard break" which is like a riposte, except after breaking someone's guard. Great for strength builds?

    - L3 = jump while running

    - Press R1 while two-handing a bow to shoot from left quiver, and R2 for the right.

    Magic + Miracle Descriptions

    - 1st row: Soul Arrow, soul spear, and an "exploding" soul spear magic that makes magic rain from the sky.

    - 2nd row: Magic greatsword, a fire whip-like spell, and a fireball spell which damages both enemy and caster.

    - 3rd row shows miracles: Replenishment, a buffing spell that increases atk and def, Lightning Spear, and Dark Orb/Sphere that steals stamina (not magic).

    Item Descriptions

    - 1st row: Life gem, stronger life gem, grass that restores spell count (new!), and a stronger version of that grass.

    - 2nd row: Green blossom, sticky white stuff-like enchanting item, bomb with magic damage, and estus.


    The Grass that restores magic is called Amber and Twilight Grass I believe, this was from Game Trailers, I believe the first E3 Demo discussion video with Patrick Morales (the 4 minute ish one, sorry can't link videos as I'm at work).

    This will be good for PvP, mages will actually be able to host now.

    Could make PvE a little to easy though, but we'll see how they balance it.

    9 months to go, unknit yo panties before commenting.

    I think it's good that Faith gets a buff, as a more support style discipline this style of miracle will fit well imo.
    This was also hinted at in the latest Game Trailers Video (Ep3: Mirror Knight or something, the 30ish minute one), good to see confirmation on it.

    In that same vid they also explain the Rain of Soul Arrows spell. Essentially the caster will hold their catalyst up in the air and shoot a Soul Arrow upwards, if the ceiling is high enough it will exlode and rain down about 6-8 Souls Arrows on whoever the caster is locked onto. It can be used to stun the Mirror Knight, however he is almost immune to magic so it does very little to no damage to him.

    A Sticky White Stuff esque buff had also been hinted at before as well, so it's good to see confirmation on it too.

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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty Re: New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by SadPanda Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:01 pm


    Other than that, good info! Thanks!

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    Post by StiffNipples Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:07 pm

    Haha yep that's why I reposted it over here. r/darksouls2 is still alright, r/darksouls is just cancer these days.

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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty Re: New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by SadPanda Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:13 pm

    I really only go here and on /dsg/ for Dark Souls related stuff.

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    Post by StiffNipples Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:28 pm

    /dsg/ is almost as bad as reddit imo, just in a different way.

    Plus I can't access it at work Shrug

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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty Re: New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by SadPanda Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:36 pm

    /dsg/ is only bad now because of OnlyAfro's more popular videos. The amount of cancer spawned from his video "HE'S BACK" is unbearable. Was a good video and concept at first, but then the people new to Souls saw it and it was game over. I'll agree that /dsg/ is pretty bad lately, it was much better 6 months ago.

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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty Re: New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by StiffNipples Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:13 pm

    Yep reddit is exactly the same but a little worse because there's more posters and more reposted information. Worst part is new players come along and jump on the meme bandwagon without even knowing what it's about, it's kind of the 'he's laughing at it so I should be too' thing like you see wiht 5 yr olds. But instead of laughing it's spamming 'the legend never dies' and giantdad quotes.

    99% of people on their don't have an original thought in their empty heads and just vomit forth shi**y memes and giantdad quotes all day long. It's a huge circlejerk and it's about to the point of people just posting "Solaire amirite" and getting voted to the top of the front page.

    More and more often twinking is celebrated (**** is the current buzzword - noone seems to use it for it's proper use though, or even know it's proper meaning), anything popular gets spammed until death with "so I hear we're posting this now" and "I see your this and raise you this" style sh*t. Honestly the new crowd from Steam sales/r/gaming/whereever has ruined that sub.

    I think the very worst thing though is that so many new people can't seem to google their own problems and just expect others to fix their sh*t for them, when if they did a 5 second google they'd find that their question has been answered 100 times already. So the sub gets full of shi**y questions and TIL's that have been answer/posted countless times before.

    It used to be a great place for discussion and now it's just a ceasepool of memers and copycats.

    Makes me sad cos I loved that place, I think there's only about 5 regular contributors left from when I joined back in Dec2011, everyone else just got sick of it and left, which is kinda why I'm here now and not over there. Much nicer place here, should've made the move 6 months ago.

    Sorry for the rant.

    Lets get this thread back on topic.
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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty Re: New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by Dibsville Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:43 am

    Oh God, L3 to jump.

    Please tell me I'm not the only person who randomly mashes my analog sticks while I'm travelling somewhere in a game?

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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty Re: New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by SadPanda Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:18 am

    Dibsville wrote:Oh God, L3 to jump.

    Please tell me I'm not the only person who randomly mashes my analog sticks while I'm travelling somewhere in a game?
    Playing the game will break the habit. It's not that bad.

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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty Re: New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by Seignar Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:50 am

    Dibsville wrote:Oh God, L3 to jump.

    Please tell me I'm not the only person who randomly mashes my analog sticks while I'm travelling somewhere in a game?
    Got to admit, the sensation of clicking those analogs is addicting! Although, playing the game will make you eventually stop if you dislike jumping; you learn to switch your mindsets based on the game.

    I mean, I Melee Spam everything to death (as Zero, of course) in Borderlands 2, but I sure don't go spamming the camera reset when I play Dark Souls immediately afterwards.
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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty Re: New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by Dibsville Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:51 am

    I mash R3 too much.

    Legend of Zelda habit, gotta get that screen fixed straight forward. ;_;
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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty Re: New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by Sentiel Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:42 am

    Jesus Umbasa Gwyn!
    Magic casting recovery item?!

    Didn't From learn anything from DeS? If you had Spices, you could just spam your way through PvE. Yes, we know that Mirror Knight is nearly immune to spells and can reflect them, but I doubt there will be many enemies with similar capabilities. 

    I really like DkS spell system, mostly because people can't cheese PvE and PvP with spell spamming. Given the fact the item is a grass, it will probably be fast to use, so there's little window to stop the user from replenishing his DB/WoG and spam them again. This has potential to ruin PvP, if devs won't balance spells better than in DkS (post DLC). 

    What do you mean casters can't host? Sure they can, they just have to be mindfull of their casts and don't spam and have to go to the bonfire to replenish casts between invasions. All of the regular PvP areas have always a bonfire close to them, so it's not a problem. But I understand that it's tedious to do so.

    Seriously, this doesn't seem like a good idea to me...
    Why not just give us back the MP system from DeS then? That way people at least can't spam that much, because they will be limited by their MP pool and will have to sacrifice some Points to make it big enough, while with this, it seems that all they need to do is carry a lot of these grasses, because all spells have a default number of castings.

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    Post by StiffNipples Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:54 am

    I mean on my melee toon I can host in the Forest until I die, be that 1 fight or 20 fights.

    On my Sorcerer I can host for up to about 5 fights max before I'm out of spells. Then I can't get to the bonfire because the fog gate is up and I end up dying because I'm a squishy caster with all my points into att, dex and int.

    What I'm saying is I can host as a melee fighter for as long as I want/can, but I am limited in my hosting as a mage due to my limited spells needing replenishment.

    Honestly I'd prefer they get rid of the grasses and give them a spell that has 5 or so casts which replenishes their spells. Think of it like Heal (gives back 50% of casts) and Great Heal (gives back 100% of casts) but for spells instead of HP.

    It would have a slow cast time to stop spamming/chugging/munching/whatever it's called and would be limited so as not to make PvE a breeze. It would also allow for longer hosting sessions but wouldn't mean that you can just willy nilly spam spells everywhere.

    However, it's too soon to say how they'll work and if they'll be like Old Spice. We don't know if they'll replenish all the casts or just some of the casts, or if they'll replenish all the spells or just the spell you've got selected at the time of using the grass.

    There's still 9 months left, plenty of time for testing and tuning.
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    Post by Sentiel Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:34 am

    I can see the problem with hosting in Forest. You can't leave there thanks to constant fog. If it was me, I would probably reload the game, and use Homeward Bone just as I have control over my character. I think it would be better to fix the fake invasion, summons, that block you from using bonfires and create fog when nothing happens. You would solve several problems with this, hosting with caster included.

    As a full time caster, I still swing around my MLGS most of the time and use spells, only when I need a rangedoption, or do a lot of damage fast. So I never get into the situation when I'm out of spells. And even if I did, I would probably enjoy the thrill and challenge. big grin
    I'm crazy, I know. silly

    I like the idea with spell that replenishes other spells. Casting that is much more hard to do in PvP than munching on some item, even if it was as slow as using Humanity, but even so, I really like this system with limited spells. It makes the spells feel special, valuable and justifies their huge damage. I mean, if someone starts spamming DB with hopes to one shot you and you evade them all, he will run out of casts and is screwed. While this is disadvantegous to the caster, it is also more balanced, because he can't just use an item and start spamming again until he gets lucky and gets you. Just like not having bonfires right in front of boss, this also makes people use their head, think and come up with a strategy, instead of just mashing buttons and praying for a win.

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    Post by StiffNipples Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:26 am

    Yeah I've always like the idea of a spell to replenish spells, it's essentially just an alternative to pumping attunement. Plus like you said, if you have to take the time to cast a spell (similar time to heal) then you're not going to be spamming it mid fight.

    Also I get the feeling, lately I've been going spell-less and rocking just the MLGS on my hypermage. 25hp so I can't get hit, but I also can't one shot people. Do about 900 damage with the 2HR2 though big grin
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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty Re: New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:43 pm

    also won't spells require stamina too(where did I read that...) , that'd prevent spamming pretty nicely

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    Post by StiffNipples Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:55 pm

    You can see in the Sorcerer gameplay vid that casting spells used a small amount of stamina, looked like something akin to swinging a small weapon.

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    New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo Empty Re: New information from the recent DaSII presentation in Tokyo

    Post by Myztyrio Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:21 am

    Faith will have more use than WotG, buffing, and gimmicks now. I know what I'm investing in for my first playthrough ^.^

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