Title says it all.
Though, I am making this thread a little prematurely. I plan for this to go down tomorrow afternoon/evening-ish. I'll be home around 5-6 p.m. CST, and I will post in this thread before I fire up the game.
I've tried these bastids numerous times, and believe it or not, the closest I got is when I was solo'ing it. However, I need help. Not just help, but good help, lol. I've already summoned 3 people, each on separate runs, and it was just awful. The closest I got is with a summoner, but the two melee toons I summoned didn't even approach the king until it was too late. :doh:I would have waited for another person to summon, to have 3+, but I always feel like it's rude to make the current person wait, so...
I'd go again tonight, but I've early clinicals in the morning. I just want to post this here tonight, so that it can have some exposure, and hopefully someone will be around tomorrow evening to give me a hand.
Thank you!
Xbox 360
GT: PenderPowguin
Though, I am making this thread a little prematurely. I plan for this to go down tomorrow afternoon/evening-ish. I'll be home around 5-6 p.m. CST, and I will post in this thread before I fire up the game.
I've tried these bastids numerous times, and believe it or not, the closest I got is when I was solo'ing it. However, I need help. Not just help, but good help, lol. I've already summoned 3 people, each on separate runs, and it was just awful. The closest I got is with a summoner, but the two melee toons I summoned didn't even approach the king until it was too late. :doh:I would have waited for another person to summon, to have 3+, but I always feel like it's rude to make the current person wait, so...
I'd go again tonight, but I've early clinicals in the morning. I just want to post this here tonight, so that it can have some exposure, and hopefully someone will be around tomorrow evening to give me a hand.
Thank you!
Xbox 360
GT: PenderPowguin
Last edited by PenderPowguin on Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:36 pm; edited 1 time in total