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    Gravelording Location for a SL 50?


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    Gravelording Location for a SL 50? Empty Gravelording Location for a SL 50?

    Post by Bontee Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:39 pm

    I've never really given gravelording a serious chance, so I decided today I'd make a strictly gravelording character. The problem is, I have no idea where to go, really... Any good hotspots for around level 50? I have a build in mind (currently being set up) for around there, just need a location... 

    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Gravelording Location for a SL 50? Empty Re: Gravelording Location for a SL 50?

    Post by Dibsville Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:41 pm

    SL 50 isn't really a good choice for Gravelording since people have to be in at least NG+ to see Black Phantoms.

    In other words, 99% of people won't even know they're Gravelorded at SL 50.

    Try bumping up to SL 80 or SL 100. Oolacile Township is amazing for Gravelording. You could also try Anor Londo.

    Side note: If you're doing it just to mess with people, level and location doesn't matter, although you'll have a better chance of infecting NG+ players at SL 80 and above.

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    Gravelording Location for a SL 50? Empty Re: Gravelording Location for a SL 50?

    Post by Bontee Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:45 pm

    Dibsville wrote:SL 50 isn't really a good choice for Gravelording since people have to be in at least NG+ to see Black Phantoms.

    In other words, 99% of people won't even know they're Gravelorded at SL 50.

    Try bumping up to SL 80 or SL 100. Oolacile Township is amazing for Gravelording. You could also try Anor Londo.

    Side note: If you're doing it just to mess with people, level and location doesn't matter, although you'll have a better chance of infecting NG+ players at SL 80 and above.

     I never even thought about that... Well... I feel stupid now... doh no see 

    I'll bump it up to SL 100 then and try the township...


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    Gravelording Location for a SL 50? Empty Re: Gravelording Location for a SL 50?

    Post by SirArchmage Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:52 pm

    I say do places that make it impossible to ignore you. Like Tomb of the Giants or Anor Londo. They are going to be a bit forced to fight you over and over and over and over and over again. Ever fight three black phantom skeleton dogs at the same time? No? You don't want to. Ever. I'd give you a better chance at surviving against a gank-squad of giant dads

    Posts : 263
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    Gravelording Location for a SL 50? Empty Re: Gravelording Location for a SL 50?

    Post by Bontee Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:55 pm

    Heh... Tomb of the Giants sounds so cruel! XD

    Also, would the forest be good? Like, at the fire, I mean...

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    Gravelording Location for a SL 50? Empty Re: Gravelording Location for a SL 50?

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