Soris Ice Goldwing wrote: There is no mention of anything that connects the two from a lore view point
From left literally 95% of what we consider lore ambiguous, and they conduct half their storytelling through environment elements (see Iron Tarkus in Anor Londo - that is
blatant) and even through gameplay mechanics (see player overloaded with humanity when most saints/bosses can hold at most
10% of what the player can hold, and that's not counting hard and soft versions).
The similarities and callouts are there, and if you consider them not meaningful, then by principle you should apply that to everything in DS and DkS... and lose about 80% of the lore.
Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:a idea that is accepted by a majority that is may be the closest thing to an answer we can find.
Fun fact - the Germans did that, for a time. Please don't draw conclusions, what I'm saying is that this statement is fundamentally incorrect... even more so in Dark Souls, where everyone has their own version of the lore.
Leeroy_Jenkins wrote:half the world, lost…eras'd by the fog..."...
the unstable world has another Monumental to hold its fabric together....
This further gives ground for your "hard" cycle theory, btw. In Lordran time is unstable, allowing PvP... and in DS world, the fabric itself is unstable. It's possible, but the intent of it is up in the air...
I, for example, find that giving this sort of meaning to NG+ kills of a lot of the meaning in Dark Souls. The game is, storywise, an epilogue, and a short one at that. Repeating it a thousand times like this removes almost all attraction the "plot" of the game has.
Elifia wrote:The Age of Dark had actually already begun once, while the pygmy was still alive and still owned the Dark Soul, making him, undeniably, the Dark Lord. Not really sure what happened, but it seems the pygmy eventually disappeared and a new Dark Lord would be born at some point, so Gwyn took this chance to sacrifice himself to revert to the Age of Fire
Gonna nitpick here. Nowhere is it said, as far as I'm aware, in concrete fashion that the Dark Lord has all of the Dark Souls... even more if the Dark Soul=Humanity(soft
and hard) theory holds to be true.
My take on this is that the Dark Soul is present in all humans, and also outside them, in hard form(and in rare cases, inside - see Firekeepers). Burning souls, including the Dark Soul fueled fire.
Thus, it can be inferred that the Age of Fire had already ended - the flame had gone out, but Gwyn burnt his soul to create a false version of it, which Frampt hopes to solidify by burning more souls, and Kaathe hopes to dispel with true Dark.
And nowhere in the game does the protagonist obtain the Dark Soul - he is simply "chosen" along with a
lot of other people. Basically, whatever sticks.
Teh Kitten´s Cat wrote:There is a reason dark souls is a called a "Spiritual sequel" instead of "sequel"
Yes, because Sony owns Demons Souls IP. If FROM tried to officially link DkS and DS, they would either be involved in a protracted legal fiasco (see Evangelion and Terminator) or DkS would wind up to be a PS4 exclusive like DS.