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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained


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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:46 am

    All sounds pretty interesting to me. 

    From the sound of thing it looks like Pyromancy IS returning, and will have some new tricks up it's sleeve just how Sorcery will. 

    It also spells out a few unseen spells, pyros and miracles. Like a new fireball that hurts targets AND the caster, plus a new miracle that functions like an attack and defense buff. 

    It also shed some light on items, like a new grass that doesn't replenish your health but your castings.

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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by StiffNipples Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:43 am

    Nothing really new in there, it's just vg247 summarising a reddit post that was (mostly) summarising the famitsu article/presentation.

    Game Trailers has a 30ish min discussion vid (ep 3 or ep4 ) where they talk about a lot of this stuff and mention the Attack/Defense buff miracle and Twilight and Amber Grasses that will replenish your spells (not sure how this works yet).

    Also not sure if pyromancy is returning or if it's being merged into sorcery, atm it looks like it's going back to the DeS style of being a sorcery, but this effects Lore in DaS so it will be interesting to see what happens and how it's explained in DaS2.

    Reading the linked reddit article will yield the better info.

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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by Shakie666 Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:28 pm

    Well this is news to me, though it may be cause i'm avoiding spoilers were possible.

    Also if we can restore casts with grass then I guess scorceries will be pretty weak, like in DeS but without firestorm.
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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by Encore Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:47 pm

    Or just fewer casts.

    Instead of... say 20, you get 12.

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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by mr_no_face Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:42 pm

    edible items that restore you spell usage big grin
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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by Dibsville Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:35 pm

    "edible grass that restores your number of magic uses"

    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Tumblr_lv8vg4MltV1r28n1c
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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:52 pm

    Recharge magic uses grass? Please god no! Or let magic be near useless in PvP. Many people are already addicted to stamina moss and I don't need this too.

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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by SlothAlmighty Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:56 pm

    grass is non addictive
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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:03 am

    SlothAlmighty wrote:grass is non addictive
    I kinda hope that is half a joke. Really every single time I PvP the host or invader starts by eating the grass and then back tracking far enough to eat another grass. Even thinking about how that backtracking can be used to restore magic cast is a nightmare, especially to those who make glass mages just to spam spells.

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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by StiffNipples Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:42 am

    Wow guys, unbunch your panties.

    We don't know how this will work yet, whether it will restore all spells, or just the one you're got selected to cast, or if it will restore 1 cast or all casts, in fact we know pretty much nothing.

    FFS have some faith that FROM knows what they're doing.

    As far as I am aware the Grasses were in the Demo but they didn't do anything, one reviewer stated this in a gameplay review a while ago, but for the life of me I can't find it. The quote was something along the line of "there were also two grasses, amber and twilight, but they didn't appear to do anything".

    They were also mentioned in the 35ish minute Game Trailers vid right at the end. Here.
    For info go look in the big DaSII all info so far thread sticky'd at the top of this subforum.

    I posted the reddit thread this article is referencing a few days back, here for those interested:

    Here's info on the guard break move (it's replacing the kick fwiw):

    - Instead of kick you now you give enemies a shove with your weapon hand. The power of that shove changes based on the weapon you have. The heavier the weapon, the more force you can push them with to make additional space. But, heavy weapon means longer animation. Short weapons don't give much space, but it's faster. Whether the kick returns, however, is still undecided, a Namco rep told says.

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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by Dibsville Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:47 am

    I remember the article saying there was an Amber and Twilight Grass that didn't seem to have any effect.

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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by arshan272 Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:02 am

    WAIT! What if the grass only restores the castings of your currently selected spell!? That would be a lot better than DeS. You would only be able to continuously cast one spell. Personally, I wish they brought back mana, but employed a silver/blue estus type flask that could only be recharged at bonfires, and have very few outside mana restore items. But then I don't know what Summons and Invaders would do.

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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by StiffNipples Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:23 am

    I would like them to have a spell(s) like Heal, Great Heal and Great Heal Excerpt but for magic rather than health. Casting time would be the same as the heal spells, with a similar number of charges. Great Heal would Replenish up to 5 Casts (more for selected low power spells), Heal would replenish 2 Casts (again more for selected spells) and Great Heal Excerpt would do the same as Great Heal but you'd only get 1 cast.

    That way you can have a limited number of recharges, you wouldn't be able to spam it mid fight, it wouldn't be a farmable item, and you would need to sacrifice an attunement slot for the privilege.
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    Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 pyromancy, guard break & miracles explained

    Post by Reaperfan Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:05 pm

    StiffNipples wrote:atm it looks like it's going back to the DeS style of being a sorcery, but this effects Lore in DaS so it will be interesting to see what happens and how it's explained

    If this is a prequel like many suspect it will be, there really won't be any lore clashing or complications.  The Izalith Catalyst description states that in Dark Souls's past, Flame Sorceries were used instead of Pyromancy.

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