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    More weapon moves


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    More weapon moves Empty More weapon moves

    Post by correojon Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:39 am

    This is my first post in the forum....and it´s a long one happy

     I´ve been thinking it would be cool if there were a new item, something like "swordmaster´s gauntlet" which you could equip on your left hand and which will add new moves to your currently equipped weapon. You should have to find first a scroll to unlock new moves and equip the scroll in the spell slots to be able to use it. For example, I am using Ornstein´s spear in my right hand and the Swordmaster´s Gauntlet in the left. If I press L2 I will block, but if I press L1 I will use the currently equipped move, an horizontal swing that makes me spin in place 360 degrees. Or I can change the scroll and by pressing L1 make a jumping attack swinging the spear from left to right.

    Dexterity based weapon classes could have like 4 different scrolls, quality weapons could have 3 and strength based 2 (makes sense to me that the most dextreous characters will be able to use their weapons in more different ways):
    Katana scroll 1: new move #1 for katanas
    Katana scroll 2: new move #2 for katanas
    Katana scroll 3: new move #3 for katanas
    Katana scroll 4: new move #4 for katanas

    Ultragreatsword scroll 1: new move #1 for Ultragreatsword
    Ultragreatsword scroll 2: new move #2 for Ultragreatswords

    The moves the scrolls add would be different for each specific weapon, Dagger scroll 1 will make the Parrying Dagger do a leaping attack, but if you have equipped the normal Dagger instead you will do two fast consecutive slashes. The idea is for the scrolls to add more options for pure melee users. And for every scroll to add something new to each weapon.

    To get every scroll you will have to invade the Swordmaster´s world via a green orb, and he will be waiting wearing the same equipment you are, except for a Swordmaster Gauntlet in his left hand. This way as you fight him he will be using the scroll before you get it happy Next time you fight he will be using all the scrolls you already have and the new one. So if I want to get the scroll for Great Curved swords I will have to fight him using a Murakumo and he will do the same, but each time he will be getting new moves. If you unequip your right hand weapon or switch to a different one you will be banished from his world for breaking the swordfighters code and be indicted, though you may be able to invade him again.

    The Swordmaster´s apprentice will appear as a merchant and once you buy from him the gauntlet and the green orb you will be able to start invading the Swordmaster himself. The apprentice will sell only melee specific stuff: repairing powder, resins and green herbs....maybe some titanites.

    New invasions will be available whenever you get a new weapon type and want to get the scroll for that weapon class or when you upgrade your weapon. So if I get an Uchigatana and I didn´t already had any katana the orb will allow me to invade for katana scroll #1. When i upgrade the Uchi to +5 I will be able to invade again for katana scroll #2, +10 for scroll #3 and +15 for scroll #4 (4 scrolls because katanas are dex based weapons).

    What do you think?

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    More weapon moves Empty Re: More weapon moves

    Post by SadPanda Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:16 am

    Sounds extremely overpowered and a complicated system in general.

    Good idea, but a little too far-fetched. Welcome to the forums though!

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    More weapon moves Empty Re: More weapon moves

    Post by MosquitoPower Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:51 am

    Im all for more attacks.

    Something sort of on those same lines:
    If you held down the button for the Swordmaster´s Gauntlet you could access the attacks that normally require you to roll/dodge/backstep.

    More attacks, but no shield, so may balance out.
    Abyss Dweller
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    More weapon moves Empty Re: More weapon moves

    Post by Dibsville Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:54 am

    No thanks, I think 8 attacks is plenty.

    It's a great idea, but IMO it's not something that fits into the souls series.

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    More weapon moves Empty Re: More weapon moves

    Post by buzzgud Sat Jul 06, 2013 3:05 am

    I like the idea, but I definitely agree with Dibsville. Just don't agree with the numerous attacks you could gain from it. Some people that didn't want to waste the time, yes I said waste, to go through that "gauntlet" would probably be very under powered in PVP, and maybe even PVE? Therefore.. making you HAVE to do it, or.. game breaking if you don't, therefore killing some of the sand boxy feeling the series has created.

    Although... great idea! Wave
    Chosen Undead
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    More weapon moves Empty Re: More weapon moves

    Post by Encore Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:18 am

    I honestly dislike the idea.

    I do not really understand why myself, but I do not like it too much.

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    More weapon moves Empty Re: More weapon moves

    Post by correojon Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:42 pm

    MosquitoPower wrote:Im all for more attacks.

    Something sort of on those same lines:
    If you held down the button for the Swordmaster´s Gauntlet you could access the  attacks that normally require you to roll/dodge/backstep.

    More attacks, but no shield, so may balance out.

    That´s the idea, more attacks, but no shield because you need to have the Swordmasters Gauntlet equipped in the left hand. Right now you can beat the game with a "vanilla" zwei, but what if you could gain more attacks...they would be useless for PVE, but for PVP they would add a lot of depth.

    For example a fast attack with the hilt of the zwei. It would only do 20 hp damage but it would add a new way to use the zwei. A spell spammer will know that you, with that huge sword, have a way to hit him fast and maybe combo into a more damaging attack. In normal duels you would have to contemplate more options than "roll->R1" and "run to the side->unlocked R1/R2". Of course this makes no sense with the current **** olnine system we have in DkS, but with a real time connection with servers as we´re supposed to get in DkSII (or similar) it would be great. And it wouldn´t be easy to use, as melee fighters would have to switch between one hand/two hands, the different scrolls and R1, R2 and L1 attacks. What if scroll #1 would grant you a fire reversal move for straight swords (useless against normal, magic or ligthtning attacks), but the same scroll would add a magic (but no fire/lightning) reversal for curved swords? Melee users will have a lot of things to learn and use and magic spammers would have to be more careful.

    Imagine if someone spams Dark Beads but you can hit them back at them (ala Link Vs Ganon) with scroll move #2 for katanas. But that same reversal is useless against miracles. Suddenly the WrathOfTheGods spammers and the Dark Bead/Pursuer spammers would dissapear, because they would have a great chance of fighting a guy with the perfect counter for them. Each weapon class would gain counters for one type of attack but none against the rest. So katanas would be great against dark magic, curved swords against fire, ultras against miracles...

    Sorry for mispelling or if something doesn´t make sense...non native-english speaker and pretty drunk right now

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