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    Faith build


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    Faith build Empty Faith build

    Post by Valanor Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:36 am

    I've been thinking about trying out a faith build.I'm on NG+ with my first char,so my experience isn't the greatest.Also I've never used the char builder,but I've tried to create something.It's probably full of mistakes but that's why I've created this thread. happy

    I want to do mostly co-op and still be able to do pvp on a casual level (maybe later pvp in Kiln,I don't know that yet).I've read that there is no real difference between occult and divine for faith builds,so I've just picked occult.Maybe I will change it to divine so that I always have a good weapon for the catacombs.

    Unfortunately I just don't know what armor to pick to be under 25%.I don't neccessarily want to use Havel's Ring because there can be so much options for two rings (Ring of Favour and Protection maybe).

    I would be glad about any help for my build!

     Edit: I also hope that this is the right sub forum!

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    Faith build Empty Re: Faith build

    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:51 am
    You'll need to decide what weapons you want to mainly use, dex\str\qual, that'll decide on what armour\rings you can wear. Fill in a bit on the link and i'm sure the others will help out. Or show us your original build and we can go from there.

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    Faith build Empty Re: Faith build

    Post by Valanor Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:57 am

    Oh,I'm so sorry,I actually forgot to set in my build link!Stupid me...
    Faith build

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    Location : Shayol Ghul

    Faith build Empty Re: Faith build

    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:14 am

    First off get wraith of the gods, very handy PVP spell.
    Second The darkmoon Talisman will get you a better magic adjust at 40 faith, basically stronger castings.
    Third, i'd leave the claymore at a +15 and equip the sunlight blade or darkmoon blade weapon buff(seriously amp ups weapon damage). If you're on NG+ just get the claymore again.
    I'm not an armour expert but wait for a dude called dibsville, he'll set you straight.

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    Faith build Empty Re: Faith build

    Post by Valanor Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:31 am

    Thanks for your help!
    I'm not a very big fan of WotG since in my opinion it's boring to spam it (especially after I've been killed a few times just by this spam).
    I've read through what to do to get the talisman and sunlight blade and it doesn't seem too difficult.This means then that I have to invade and kill 10 people in Anor Londo after joining the convenant,right?
    I'm just wondering about sunlight blade.It stands there that it has only 1 use.This would mean that after 60 secs,I have nothing on my weapon but +15.And I'm unfortunately not good enough to kill somebody in 60secs. happy

    Thanks again for your help!I'm excited about more answers.

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    Faith build Empty Re: Faith build

    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:35 am

    It's a big damage buff for 60 seconds, that's sunlight blade, you need to kill gwyndolin to get that. Darkmoon blade is the buff you get by joinng the convenant and getting 10 ears of reprisal(you'll get the darkmoon talisman too). you can get these by killing 10 people with darkmoon invasions or you can farm them from the harpies in the painted world.

    On the first playthrough, you can only have one or other buff, darkmoon blade only works when you're in the darkmoon covenant and you need to kill gwyndolin to get slb which kicks you out of the covenant. you can get another on NG+.

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    Faith build Empty Re: Faith build

    Post by TheMeInTeam Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:55 am

    The str/dex combo you have is wonky.  IMO if you're going high str but not leveling dex much (IE go 27str and not much if any dex) then use a str weapon and buff it with sunlight blade + 2hand it; you'll do a LOT more damage that way.

    40 faith isn't that useful; the break points are usually 30 or 50...most stop at 30.  Canvas tali > thorolund by then.

    Spells should be something like sunlight blade, wrath of gods x2 (pvp) or great lightning spear (pve), great heal, and then whatever you want.

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    Faith build Empty Re: Faith build

    Post by ScottyDoesKnow Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:29 am

    It's very hard to just pick armor for you, but here's some general build suggestions:

    Armor is really a personal choice, for PvP the defense isn't as big of a deal, it's the poise that's important. Certain values are called "poise breaks" because they're just enough to avoid getting staggered from certain weapons. Some that you could hit pretty easily are 53, 56, or 61.

    What I try to do is pick armor I like and then try to hide the poise in it. My current quality faith build:

    You can hit 53 pretty easily with something like knight gauntlets and chain leggings, which are some pretty standard not bad looking pieces. That leaves you 5 weight left for whatever hat and shirt you want. You can swap a bit of strength or dexterity for more endurance if you need a little bit more. You'll lose a bit of damage but I wouldn't lower vitality anymore if you want to PvP. And if you have some extra weight left over, drop your endurance for your attunement slot back or more vitality.

    And just a note that even though the damage number is lower for the +15, it does much more damage because it's not split. For split damage, the damage has to go through two defenses where pure physical only has to go through one.

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    Faith build Empty Re: Faith build

    Post by Valanor Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:04 pm

    Yeah,I understand now more about the scaling and why 50 and not 40.I will almost not skill str and dex and instead put more points in vit and faith.I have also gotten a lot of help from the chatbox and I'm just gonna start my warrior and work my way up with a build I've found and start to get the items neccessary.

    Thanks a lot for all the help!I'm really excited now about this new char to come. happy

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