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    Alternate ways to defeat bosses


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    Alternate ways to defeat bosses Empty Alternate ways to defeat bosses

    Post by Azul Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:57 pm

    This is one thing I'd really love to have in Dark Souls 2, akin to Ceaseless Discharge and the ability to defeat him without depleting his health pool, in a pretty obscure method. It'd be pretty interesting if there were bosses that were simply too difficult to defeat normally, but in a puzzle-esque manner, you can defeat them, and possibly each way of defeating the boss gives a different reward of sorts, such as the 'easy' way of figuring out the 'trick' to killing a boss will relinquish his armor set to you, while defeating him the traditional way gives his soul.

    Or in a less obvious way, imagine a boss that might throw a spear at you from time to time. We know that you can deflect large axes thrown at you at least, perhaps landing a finishing blow via deflecting the spear boasts a unique reward, such as a ring that increases the damage of thrown weaponry.

    In a more obvious way, there are pillars that a boss is positioned on, and you notice that if you hit them enough, they begin to crack. Do this enough for it, the pillars collapse, the boss falls to his death in some way. Easy souls and progression, but a possible loss of his unique boss soul. This way some bosses have an easier method of defeating them, but it inherently offers less rewards, while other bosses have a trickier way to finish them off, but offers more.

    This is the sort of balance I want to have with the bosses. Defeating them the traditional way is always an option, but variations of methods and end results would make it more enjoyable, especially in Dark Souls. That feeling I get when I discover something new even to this day in Dark Souls, I love it. Maybe you're on your second or third character of Dark Souls, never looked up a guide, and left yourself pretty in the dark. In the swamp, you get your plank shield, roll through the first illusory wall to grab the humanity, accidentally roll again, and all of a sudden, a new area you've never seen or heard of is ahead of you.

    This feeling of discovering something new is something the Souls series does pretty damn well, I'd love to see it capitalized on in more than environmental ways.

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    Alternate ways to defeat bosses Empty Re: Alternate ways to defeat bosses

    Post by TheMeInTeam Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:37 pm

    The only pitfall is if the alternate methods are too easy.

    Things like making Taurus demon or Iron Golem fall to their deaths are a good balance.  Ceaseless was a poor design in contrast, as the difficulty between different means of fighting him was needlessly vast.  BoC was the only true travesty boss in Dark Souls, but would have been arguably fair if the location of the pits were known at the start of the fight.

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    Alternate ways to defeat bosses Empty Re: Alternate ways to defeat bosses

    Post by Myztyrio Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:57 pm

    I believe Ceaseless' alternate death was included in order to allow players who wanted to access the chaos flame and large flame embers a possibility to early game(right after Queelag), with nothing more than a +5/+10 weapon.

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    Alternate ways to defeat bosses Empty Re: Alternate ways to defeat bosses

    Post by TheMeInTeam Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:53 am

    Myztyrio wrote:I believe Ceaseless' alternate death was included in order to allow players who wanted to access the chaos flame and large flame embers a possibility to early game(right after Queelag), with nothing more than a +5/+10 weapon.

    Farming the chunks for that would be absolutely brutal, and you couldn't get the slab.

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    Alternate ways to defeat bosses Empty Re: Alternate ways to defeat bosses

    Post by Myztyrio Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:35 am

    TheMeInTeam wrote:
    Myztyrio wrote:I believe Ceaseless' alternate death was included in order to allow players who wanted to access the chaos flame and large flame embers a possibility to early game(right after Queelag), with nothing more than a +5/+10 weapon.

    Farming the chunks for that would be absolutely brutal, and you couldn't get the slab.

     Yes you can. Ascended Flame traded to Snuggly for Red Slab.

    Also, it's not completely necessary to fully upgrade it before heading over through Sen's, at least you could upgrade it to +7 just by revisiting the Undead Asylum and killing the two Black Knights there.
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    Alternate ways to defeat bosses Empty Re: Alternate ways to defeat bosses

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:19 am

    Problem with these in my eyes is these methods always seem very cheap. In dark souls, baiting Taurus to fall of is kinda.. Well it doesn't look right, which to me is important, iron golem is ok since he's made to fall over. Ceaseless was very cheap to do because it was so easy.

    Demons did the best alternate ways to defeat bosses. Tower knight- you could hack is heels to fall over or you could shoot his head with arrows. Old hero you could fight him normally or you could use thief ring and attempt a hit and run strategy. Maiden Astraea you can kill her protector or just shoot her from long range. Stork king you can use a bow (I did first time, it was horrendous but really fun), or you can use the sword.

    The problem is though with demons is that these options usually have one option which makes the boss extremely easy- and this option is usually identified by the characteristics of that boss so it's an obvious weakness. The demons bosses were thoughtful, but if bosses are gonna be as much of a joke as old hero or cheesed Astraea on dark souls 2, then I'd rather they didn't bother.

    Personally I hope they spent more time thinking up fresh bosses that are unique and boss fights and situations that vary to mix it up. I'm still hoping for a level in which you are chased through by the boss before getting to the boss room, and for boss encounters in which you have to "fight" the boss at certain points in the level. I just really hope they innovate the bosses more, as by the end of dark souls, the number of bosses that seemed to just be another big, slow heavy boss was a tad disappointing.

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    Alternate ways to defeat bosses Empty Re: Alternate ways to defeat bosses

    Post by Undiscovery Thu Jul 25, 2013 2:06 pm

    Public Event Bosses would be awesome. Or Black phantom bosses that invade worlds online. Would be awesome if just trolling along and out of nowhere giant red demon falls out of the sky. Massive Team/Co-op moves or skills for bosses or just in general would be awesome. Like one player has to do one thing while one does another for cool damage on bosses

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