In celebration/memory of the end of this current generation I thought of a fun little game ... find a game WORSE than this.
Seriously if you can top this pile of *cough* rubbish ... I shall tip my hat to you good sir/madam.
EDIT:So far the candidates to compete with Ride To Hell for worst video game of the seventh generation as chosen by the forum are:
-The War Z.
-Sonic Free Riders.
-Final Fantasy XIV.
-Duke Nukem Forever.
-Aliens Colonial Marines.
-Two Worlds.
-Rogue Warrior.
-Hour of Victory.
-Dead Island.
-Sonic 06.
-Vampire Rain.
-Steel Battalion:Heavy Armour.
-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Part 2.
-Escape from Bug Island.
Feel free to vote on or add more titles to this list.
These games have been nominated not due to objectively bad points such as gameplay/story/level design/difficulty/genre. But on the *merit* of possessing one or more of several key points (as of launch condition with no post patches):
-Broken (a.k.a not working as intended or advertised)
-Bad business practice.
-Lack content.
-Overcharging for content available.
-Lack of playability. (A.K.A the game is barley functioning without crashing or game braking bugs rendering the game unplayable.)
Last edited by Onion Knight on Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:27 pm; edited 3 times in total