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    The worst video game of this generation.

    Onion Knight
    Onion Knight

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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Onion Knight Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:22 pm

    In celebration/memory of the end of this current generation I thought of a fun little game ... find a game WORSE than this.

    Seriously if you can top this pile of *cough* rubbish ... I shall tip my hat to you good sir/madam.

    EDIT:So far the candidates to compete with Ride To Hell for worst video game of the seventh generation as chosen by the forum are:

    -The War Z.
    -Sonic Free Riders.
    -Final Fantasy XIV.
    -Duke Nukem Forever.
    -Aliens Colonial Marines.
    -Two Worlds.
    -Rogue Warrior.
    -Hour of Victory.
    -Dead Island.
    -Sonic 06.
    -Vampire Rain.
    -Steel Battalion:Heavy Armour.
    -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Part 2.
    -Escape from Bug Island.

    Feel free to vote on or add more titles to this list.

    These games have been nominated not due to objectively bad points such as gameplay/story/level design/difficulty/genre. But on the *merit* of possessing one or more of several key points (as of launch condition with no post patches):
    -Broken (a.k.a not working as intended or advertised) 
    -Bad business practice.
    -Lack content.
    -Overcharging for content available.
    -Lack of playability. (A.K.A the game is barley functioning without crashing or game braking bugs rendering the game unplayable.)

    Last edited by Onion Knight on Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:27 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by densetsushun Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:26 pm

    Virtua Fighter 5.(personal bias there silly)
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:28 pm

    Is that seriously current gen? that looks like a PS2 game...

    I have to say, I have absolutely no knowledge of a game that can beat the level of awful I just witnessed in that video silly
    Onion Knight
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Onion Knight Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:39 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:Is that seriously current gen? that looks like a PS2 game...

    The visuals are the least of your worries here!

    And yes, yes it is .. released about a month ago to torment PC, Ps3 and Xbox 360 users who have a death wish.
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by GrinTwist Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:03 pm

    Sonic Free Riders and Mindjack are the only videogames that come to mind.
    Elite Knight
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Elite Knight Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:50 pm

    'Nuff said.

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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by GenericUsername Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:04 pm

    Elite Knight wrote:Amy.
    'Nuff said.

     Ugh, I got that thinking it looked like a cool survival horror game but it was just terribad.

    Also, Linger in Shadows.
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Dibsville Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:09 pm

    The current Final Fantasies maybe?
    Town Crier
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Tolvo Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:12 pm

    They forgot the best parts, such as the fact that there is a sex scene where you clearly see both banging...But they're also fully clothed and not even unzipped, they're just like, for a minute grinding jeans while groaning then talk like they had sex.

    Or the fact that the first boss has his own **** music that plays, and it says his name.  You see him stare you down, then get into an elevator.  You get into another one, and then 45 seconds of silence and you can't move, then the music plays as a cutscene plays where he runs away again.  Except, you can die during the cutscene, because the enemies just start shooting and can kill you before it ends.

    EDIT:  This is a definite contender.
    Mind you, 60$, price to revive not after 12 hours or so but instantly, microtransactions with items lost upon death.  So buy a katana for 9$, if you die you lose it forever and have to buy a new katana.  The developers banned anyone asking for a refund or questioning the game on steam, called people ***, and said they don't understand why people have any issues with the game.

    The person who made War Z is Sergei Titov.  Know the name?  You should.

    He made Big Rigs Over the Road Racing.
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Tolvo Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:20 pm

    Oh wait a second, hold the phone!

    The worst, the absolute hugest piece of garbage of this generation?

    Let me present to you, Chip Cheezum's playthrough of The You Testament.
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:29 pm

    another bad game was Haze- terrible, just terrible
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Marino. Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:33 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:another bad game was Haze- terrible, just terrible

    The worst video game of this generation. Einspruch!
    Uhm...A Friend bought it for 10 Bucks and we had 2 days of fun playing .
    There were so many Glitches, falling through the floor, sequence breaking, Ragdolls on crack you name it .

    We had a blast playing it silly 

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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by SirArchmage Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:59 pm

    densetsushun wrote:Virtua Fighter 5.(personal bias there silly)
    But......but I loved that game D: I unlocked every achievement and mastered every character!

    But on topic, the recent G.I. Joe games are just, god awful. Absolutely god-awful. Nearly unplayable.

    Dear Esther. That game doesn't deserve to be called a game. Even the story of it is pitifully generic.

    And like Tolvo said, that game is horrible. Just, awful.

    Can we also put Assassins Creed on this list on the basis that it is a stealth game where the only time when there is stealth of any, any realistic nature, is in multiplayer? And even then the multiplayer is copied fully off of an older game that I forgot the name of.
    Elite Knight
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Elite Knight Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:07 pm

    (Almost) Every XBL Indie game.

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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by shadowzninjaz Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:09 pm

    Mario party 9

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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by TheColdestHeart Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:09 pm

    We can't have this thread without mentioning Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever. I've actually never played either of those, but watching how quickly their prices have dropped in various retail stores has been kinda comical. xD
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:42 pm

    Marino. wrote:
    Serious_Much wrote:another bad game was Haze- terrible, just terrible

    The worst video game of this generation. Einspruch!
    Uhm...A Friend bought it for 10 Bucks and we had 2 days of fun playing .
    There were so many Glitches, falling through the floor, sequence breaking, Ragdolls on crack you name it .

    We had a blast playing it silly 

    Lol never said I didn't enjoy playing it, but it was broken and awful in general silly

    Also was cheesy that the game ended with the same line it began with, saw it coming too... Just why?

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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Hue Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:44 pm

    I gave up on this generation of videogames after Assassin's Creed 3
    instead, have this

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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Marino. Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:46 pm

    I thought the Story had a lot of potential, you know with those super Soldiers that were drugged so they couldn't see the bloodbath they've caused, of course it was predictable as f*ck but at least they put some effort in it .

    I don't really remember how it ended though, care for a little reminder ?
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:50 pm

    You killed the general, then as you take off in a helicopter with the resistance leader he talks about how there's no emotions or feelings, just chemical and electrical signals floating around your brain. It's the repetition saying that in the end, it doesn't really matter which side of a war you're on.. Can't remember exactly haha
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Carphil Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:54 pm

    Any movie based game really, thor, iron man and stuff
    Elite Knight
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Elite Knight Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:27 pm

    Carphil wrote:Any movie based game really, thor, iron man and stuff

     Superhero games in general, really. Except the Batman: Arkham games. Those are just great.
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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by Tolvo Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:43 pm

    So who wanted to see a reskin of a game designed to get people interested in the film RIPD?

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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by AnCapaillMor Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:40 am

    Lair there was sfa out for the ps3 at the time and it was just bad.

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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

    Post by KrazykevS10 Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:06 am

    The one game I can think of right now is Two Worlds.
    Sh*t graphics,combat is boring and uses the same combo animation over and over,the voice acting is just horrible and the story was awful to boot.It is the worst 360 game I own and is painful to play.

    I'm sure there are worse games on 360,let alone other consoles but this is pretty bad.

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    The worst video game of this generation. Empty Re: The worst video game of this generation.

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