I'm in!
PSN: Dark_Sunbro
Some thoughts/suggestions:
https://soulswiki.forumotion.com/t23035-boletarian-travel-guide#484522look at the Even Playground spoiler.
Allow SC and rings / ct buffs
Allow 2 buffs, bow, fight, bow
Allow all weapons/buffs
no Hypermode (just a suggestion, i know on NA server this is not an issue, but on EU it is frowned upon)
No grass is nothing one has to say, we want fights under 20 mins.
I can host for EU, but would like to have a second one, so we can change and i can fight some duels.
SL120-130 is the meta, i would suggest to go for it. 75 i don't have on EU and don't have space for more (three SL120-130 for FC and one SL32 for low level PvP - won't change that)
4-1 is the best PvP spot - can't think of an better place. Perhaps 1-2 after killing the dragon, but it's tight there. 3-1 behind the balista is a PITA to get there. 2-1 where the dogs attack you might be another spot one could use.
Some things to think of if we do it Friday in 4-1:
The EU Friday Night FC is there - we can hook on them, or not use the wall where the first skeleton is for summon signs.
If we go for Saturday, i can only take part every 2nd WE. This WE i can, next one not, and so on.
Don't make any special event - we all haven't played for a long time, or are new to Demons Souls and haven't had an event before. So it's not boring to make a usual 120-130, 4-1, everything goes event (is spellswapping working in DeS?).
If anything is needed for the event i can dupe everything (even the not dropable items) for anybody in the EU Version.
come on - sign in, that'll be great fun!
@ serious:
that rules and the spot where crap! There was never a working FC!
2-1 is not Latria, it is Stonefang. The place is crap, no SC is crap