by JoeBroski09 Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:41 pm
It's more about cost and profit. In order to make sure they're game doesn't break like it did with the Dragon Head Glitch, and cost them LOTS of money to patch it, they're VERY willing to stay clear of anything that would risk that, as long as it doesn't keep them from selling copies.
Granted, I understand that FROM is about making new, amazing, innovative games. Not just out there to make money. But the amount of work for them to put custom controls into the game just isn't worth the labor time.
BUT, they are considering EXTREMELY how the controls SHOULD be. They moved the jump button, for example.
EDIT: Another thing. All programmers know that only about 20-40% of your time is actually dedicated to programming. The rest is dedicated to testing. Personally, I despise testing and I freaking hate having to go through my program more than once. I just want to make it. But, then again, I hate programming, and I love hardware. Electrical Engineering FTW. WOW I got off topic...