Rather than have to hunt down and add every individual person one would be able to see who's online or ingame just by glancing at the group and work from there
Also, since the PC Dark Souls community is smaller it may help when attempting to organize fight clubs as there may be people who log onto steam more often than they check the forum
Was wondering, does a steam group for this place exist, if not are people interested in one, is someone planning on making one (I'd be willing to if no one else wanted to however I've only been here for a bit under a month so I would assume it would be better if a more established member of this site was the one to create and admin it), etc.
If you want an invitation please add myself or any other member in the group and ask or post the url to your steam profile in this thread (searching for steam profiles by user id is unreliable)
On steam, under 'view' -> 'settings' -> 'interface' -> make sure 'display steam URL address bar when available' is checked
go to your profile
copy the url
Inviting people who are not on your friends list to a steam group can also bug out and fail so if the invite does not go through please let me know
Last edited by Laharls_Wrath on Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:48 pm; edited 1 time in total