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    Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2


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    Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2 Empty Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2

    Post by steveswede Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:10 pm

    I had to buy a new laptop after my old one did the whole 7 bleeps of death so I got this.

    What do you think guys? Even though we don't know what specs we need yet, do you think this will be enough for 60fps on ultra settings?

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    Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2 Empty Re: Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2

    Post by Lmaousine Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:29 pm

    steveswede wrote:I had to buy a new laptop after my old one did the whole 7 bleeps of death so I got this.

    What do you think guys? Even though we don't know what specs we need yet, do you think this will be enough for 60fps on ultra settings?

     but can it run crysis?
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    Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2 Empty Re: Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2

    Post by GrinTwist Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:21 pm

    I think it should seeing as it is using a dedicated graphics card.

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    Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2 Empty Re: Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2

    Post by Ephexis Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:07 pm

    i personally am not very well versed in all things pc when it comes to the parts and such, cept for a few things

    however, what i would recommend is look up the laptop on youtube or somewhere and see some reviews for it and see if any reviews demonstrate any games on max settings and how well they perform and you should be able to get an idea of how well it will run dks 2
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    Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2 Empty Re: Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2

    Post by JoeBroski09 Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:30 am

    GrinTwist wrote:I think it should seeing as it is using a dedicated graphics card.
    Oh God, is this incorrect.

    I have a laptop with a dedicated card at the moment. 8gb of RAM. 2nd Gen. i7 2.00Ghz (I got this laptop a month after that came out), NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M 1GB. Supposed to be able to run Skyrim on high with 40 FPS.


    I never have really had positive experiences with NVIDIA, but granted, their 555M card was experimental, and I probably fried it when I played high level games without cleaning my laptop. Man, my computer got hot.

    I'd say build a PC for gaming. You're going to get 10 times your bang for buck. Get a mid sized tower with a metal handle if you want to bring it over to friend's houses. Use laptops for things that REQUIRE being mobile.

    If you need a laptop for gaming because you travel a lot, I recommend Lenovo or Asus. Nothing else really compares for the price. And definitely get a card with at least 2GB of memory, I'm sure. And nothing NVIDIA, really. But that's just me. 

    NOTE: I looked up my laptop before buying it on youtube. It's not really that easy to get good reviews and VERY specific types of laptop, and they're almost never realistic.

     EDIT: Oh, and I never really mentioned what my laptop can do with dark souls. I never got the mod for over 30 fps, but I almost always hit that cap, so i have zero problems. Only problem I have is when i try to record, and almost every computer that isn't top of the line has problems. Plus, my main harddrive is a fairly slow one, as it is a 750gb one for a laptop. Can't help but have it be slow and that large, but physically small to fit. 

    Oh, and my computer's technology doesn't help with recording, either. It runs both my integrated and dedicated card at the same time. Dedicated only runs the most important, heavy games. Integrated handles everything else. Amazing at battery management, as well as efficiency in everything else. There's just a lot of issues when I try to record.

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    Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2 Empty Re: Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2

    Post by TheMeInTeam Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:55 am

    If you're running Linux Nvidia is the best by far, since you can actually install the proprietary drivers and get good functionality.  The only problem with Linux is that you take a hit running DirectX games, which is unfortunately most of them.  The odd game that uses/can use openGL instead can actually run faster even through WINE emulation that it runs on Windows.

    Recording via the same machine one is using to play is always problematic though, unless you have a very powerful machine.  As far as I can tell, that actually results in a processor bottleneck (pretty easy to tell when all of your CPU's are showing 100% often in system monitor) whereas in the vast majority of cases otherwise games bottleneck on the graphics card.  For normal people that use windows:

    1.  Get a tower.  It's better performance for less $, and considerably.
    2.  RAM is cheap, so get plenty of that.
    3.  Quad core CPU at least these days.
    4.  Look up reviews for individual graphics cards, because I've never seen any company consistently have great options only.

    * Make sure your motherboard and other components are compatible.  Also make sure you have enough cooling that you don't fry your system.

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    Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2 Empty Re: Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2

    Post by Plantinum Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:08 am

    steveswede wrote:I had to buy a new laptop after my old one did the whole 7 bleeps of death so I got this.

    What do you think guys? Even though we don't know what specs we need yet, do you think this will be enough for 60fps on ultra settings?

     I would go for an i5 or i7 processor (and one with the Haswell chip considering this is a laptop) and preferably a SSD drive, then you should definitely be set.

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    Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2 Empty Re: Will this be good enough for Dark Souls 2

    Post by densetsushun Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:25 am

    It has a Nvidia GeForce 710M, an entry level mobile GPU based off the 540M. Based on the analysis on a game requirements website, this laptop runs Dark Souls, but I'm not sure how much more demanding Dark Souls 2 will be. Dark Souls 2 will be running on current gen consoles, but From Software has also stated that they're trying to squeeze every last bit of juice available from current gen. This could very well mean that this laptop might not be able to run the game. At this point though, it's hard to tell.

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