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    Best spread of two types of Damage?


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    Best spread of two types of Damage? Empty Best spread of two types of Damage?

    Post by Emvidasch Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:23 am

    Hey all

    I'm making a build that relies on Chaos weapons, but I'm kind of stuck on a dilemma on what weapon to use. The contestants are Quelaag's Furysword and a Chaos Falchion. Both weapons have roughly the same moveset and reach.

    The point of interest is in how they deal damage. Quelaag deals slightly more total damage, but a large portion (about 3/4th) of it is Fire damage. The Falchion, while dealing slightly less damage spreads both types of damage more evenly: half physical and half fire.
    I know that the downside of elemental weapons is that they have to bypass two defenses instead of one and thus in the end deal less damage. Knowing that, from a PVP perspective, which would be the better choice? In the end, which portion of damage gets absorbed the most? I know Quelaag's deals overall more damage but against someone with good fire defense it will be rubbish. Does that mean it would be better to play it safe and use the Falchion so I at least have some physical damage?

    Thanks in advance

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    Best spread of two types of Damage? Empty Re: Best spread of two types of Damage?

    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:54 am

    Depends what level you're going for, are you PVPing or PVEing. Higher levels in PVP will have higher fire resistance. If it's PVE go for queelags.

    To be honest i wouldn't really worry on the fire damage reduction rate, i'd look more at the weapons themselves, movesets etc. Both have advantages\disadvantages over each other, for me queelags has a weird phantom range in PVP that always catches me, falchion is ridiculously quick and can break poise very quickly.

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    Best spread of two types of Damage? Empty Re: Best spread of two types of Damage?

    Post by xenon_nobelium Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:14 am

    queelags is much better. you want at least one part of the dmg to be around 300 if you want to be competetive. also see it that way: the phys defense will always be higher than the fire defense
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    Best spread of two types of Damage? Empty Re: Best spread of two types of Damage?

    Post by Tolvo Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:54 am

    You can always do what I do, make different copies.  I carry Pure Physical, Magic, Chaos, and Lightning versions of weapons generally.  I see someone in full black iron, I can switch to say magic.  Someone in Giants, probably physical or Chaos.  I see Smough's, Chaos.  Etc, if you know what armor is good against what you can know what to switch to depending upon who you are facing.  For instance against lighter armors, sometimes pure physical is better than multi damage.  For instance the Painting Guardian set has amazing magic damage, so pure physical will do more damage than a magic split.  Gold Hemmed, fire.  Etc.

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