by ViralEnsign_ Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:56 am
System- PSN
Either league based fighting or tournament, league based seems more appropriate and allows players to set the times of their fights. Teams may be included, I think that themed teams would be an epic league based event.
Toons must be level 35 or below to participate.
All build must mirror the fighting style, equipment, etc of some real world historical warrior, soldier type, from any age/ time period which can be drawn parallel to the DKS universe.
E.G- Shaka Khan Zulu, a European Knight, Longbowman/ Robin Hood, Hoplite Spearman, etc
I will vet any builds and give suggestions and rule in or out the build.
Note- Simply adhering to the general guidelines will not be accepted. A Spartan with a cross bow will not be accepted, a Samurai with a shield will not be accepted, a Barbarian in heavy armour will not be accepted. This is about theme and overcoming weakness not power builds.
No buffs, pyros, miracles, or sorceries will be used.
No upgraded weapons will be used.
Harden the *** Up.