Here are some tips that will make you competitive:
-ALWAYS backstab a bower regardless if you are in a common pvp area or not. Backstabbing a bow will give you a CLEAR I really need to elaborate?
-Always glitch. There are glitches well known and considered acceptable by the pvp community, but...why stop there? Did you know you CAN buff your Demon's Spear with DMB?!?!?! That's right, learn them, and learn them well.
-Gank. Its the only reliable way to get souls.
-Use the mule and edit the save files (ps3). Talk about advantages!!!!
-Lagswitch. Probably the most underrated and easiest technique to employ. All you need is a wire, and.......
-Always use the "Well what is it?" gesture...I mean...who doesn't want to be cool like Giant Dad????
-NEVER, under any circumstances stop backstabbing.
-Use Elizabeth Mushrooms and Divine Blessings, its fair game right?!?!
-Don't ever show respect to anyone.
Ridiculous right?!?!?!