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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why


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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by SadPanda Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:03 am

    Other than the firebombs in Dark Souls, there were no viable consumable weapons. The thing I didn't get, is that throwing knives were useless other than a few small occasions. But those were few and far between. Although, why limit the consumable weapons categorie to just throwable items? A few things I thought of were:
    -Bear Traps
    -Some sort of poison blowdart thing similar to the Toxic Snipers in Blighttown
    -Smoke Bombs for escaping, breaks lock-on for a couple seconds

    If you have any ideas, feel free to post them.

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by mr_no_face Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:06 am

    -trip wire alerts like a loud snapping stick sound or something
    - I want a staff pole arm that doubles as a catalyst. Like the Channelers trident

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by SarahCassandra Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:57 am

    I really want the weapons chester has that have the roses on them... idk if its a crossbow or throwing knives but they always looked cool.

    Dung pie with roses would be acceptable.

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by Hart Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:56 am

    More buffs, I would like consumables that buff your shield in the same way as Magic Shield. Also wouldn't mind scaled down, consumable versions of non-weapon buffs like PW and IF so long as they were balanced. Although this might be getting a little close to 'potions' of all sorts from every other RPG out there.

    Like ^ said, the Chester/V throwing knife rose things, they were so cool to see and then when they weren't on his body I was abit miffed.

    Generally more enviromental/strategic placement items, traps and such, maybe firebomb type things that, instead of exploding covered the floor in something and reduced movement in a similar way (though scaled down and balanced) to TWoP.

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by Seignar Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:15 pm

    - In general, I would like to see "crafting" of consumables. The system works sort of like an upgrade system where you "upgrade" a consumable (for example, you upgrade a Firebomb to a Black Firebomb).
    - The speed in which you launch a consumable is affected by your DEX. The power of a consumable is affected by your STR.
    - Firebombs leaves a stain of fire that acts as a DoT.
    - Throwing Knives inflict slight bleed (build-up and damage).
    - New consumable: Bolas. It inflicts large amounts of poise damage.
    - New consumable: Flash Bomb. Explodes in mid-air and produces a lingering, powerful and temporary light, temporarily discarding the need of a torch. May also be used to blind certain enemies. See what I'm proposing?
    - New consumable: Pot of Corrosion. Corrodes armor. New mechanic: Corrosion. Corroded armor/weapon becomes frail and takes significant durability damage from just about anything. "Pot" consumables creates a mist that affects the user as well.
    - New "consumable": Darksign Attack. Turns all your humanity/souls into a desperation attack. You gain no souls/humanity from these kills and the damage is capped (Probably to something like 2000), also reduces your HP to 1.*

    *Probably not a good idea to include.

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by mr_no_face Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:50 pm

    ^ genius

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by Myztyrio Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:18 am

    Many of these are getting too flashy. You're taking away from the Dark Souls essence. Don't go and turn it into a modern day hunting game.

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by SarahCassandra Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:05 am

    I don't think a very simple crafting system would hurt dark souls, but then again people might not enjoy it? I'm not sure.

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by Rollo-99 Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:14 pm


    I like most of these ideas, I always thought the speed bonus gained on casting from 45 dex should be fixed into class specific perks for going past the 40-50 mark in each category.
    str- increased equip weight or def/resistances
    dex- a bonus to quick draw/load /fire on bows, quick throw on knives bombs etc.
    fth &mgc- faster casting, applying of buffs (nerfed buffs as well pls happy.

    I like your ideas for consumables like bolas,flash/smoke bombs etc. I'd also like to add a boomerang as low dmg/minor stun wpn, throw it out to keep the person aware of it the similar to how hcsm/persuers can work, minus the damage but minor stun could combo into other attacks if timed right.

    On a side note, the bolas reminds me how i'd like to see some chargable r2's for melee wpns. Since most are two slow with huge startup, and they are adding this option for spells. If there were a simple two speed r2, one which is relatively quick and one which could be wound up for extra dmg. (Not a release whenever you like type thing as it could play havok with lag isssues,and be imbalanced but just a set meter that you fire immediately or hold till it reaches it's max and auto fires.)

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by MosquitoPower Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:19 am

    Usable throwing knifes!
    Not particularly damaging, but enough that its not just a joke.

    Damage to scale with stats.
    Throwable while running.
    Throwable while rolling if you have the stats for it.

    Higher dex = faster/flashier throwing technique.
    High strength = faster flight through the air and more damage.
    High INT/Faith = better tracking (You aim better or you believe you aim better LOL)

    Aim option like a bow.

    More options at the store: Heavy, Fast, poison, toxic, bleed, magic, ect.
    One of them options would probably be the rose from Chester.
    Soul of Stray Demon
    Soul of Stray Demon

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:40 pm

    A throwable disco ball, if you hit with it, you force the opponent to dance.

    Ok, seriously, I would like some sort of stun device, it would be slow, but if it hit, it would over-encumber them for like 7 seconds or so.

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by TheMeInTeam Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:23 pm

    Soul of Stray Demon wrote:A throwable disco ball, if you hit with it, you force the opponent to dance.

    Ok, seriously, I would like some sort of stun device, it would be slow, but if it hit, it would over-encumber them for like 7 seconds or so.
    The bola suggestion would work for that.

    I don't like the idea of making throwing knives good, because in reality throwing knives aren't, and if they're too good they become super obvious options and centralizing.

    Maybe if they scaled with dex though, if we also have a weapon thrown that scales with str/fai/int/etc.  Not sure on the effects, just an idea.
    Soul of Stray Demon
    Soul of Stray Demon

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:47 pm

    A gun with bullets. I don't think it will actually be that effective though if we can survive being crushed under a dragon.

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    Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why Empty Re: Consumable Items/Weapons 101, What You Want and Why

    Post by MosquitoPower Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:21 pm

    TheMeInTeam wrote:
    I don't like the idea of making throwing knives good, because in reality throwing knives aren't, and if they're too good they become super obvious options and centralizing.

    Maybe if they scaled with dex though, if we also have a weapon thrown that scales with str/fai/int/etc.  Not sure on the effects, just an idea.
     My thoughts on buffing throwing knives mostly went towards:

    -Giving pressuring options to  non spell casters.
    -Making a viable thief build that did not have to rely entirely on back stabbing.
    -Having the ability to look cool (even though you are not really causing that much damage).
    -Have a way to inflict status effect of turtle style enemies/players.
    -Did I mention it would also be a way to look cool in combat when doing co-op?

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