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    PS3 chat rooms to find friendly souls for DeS


    Posts : 379
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    Join date : 2013-03-08
    Location : Germany

    PS3 chat rooms to find friendly souls for DeS Empty PS3 chat rooms to find friendly souls for DeS

    Post by Micha369 Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:24 am

    Hello folks,

    sometimes I play and I need a frient for help or co-op but no friend is online or they at other soul levels.
    In this case I go to a chat room to ask for help or for informations here.
    But on certain times, e.g. on sunday early morning, the two chat rooms I know of are empthy.

    Do you know other chat rooms that are usually pretty crowded?

    Best of course would be European DeS chat room (english) because as I have learned we cannot play together with Americans or Japanes players.


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