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Soul of Stray Demon
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    Rules are meant to be broken


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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by Shroomerz420 Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:11 am

    I have been away from Dark Souls and this forum for a while now. I only posted a few times about a year ago but did lurk around a lot.

    Lately I've started playing again and wow. I have been in a state of perpetual laughter just reading the posts and topics on here. :-)

    Anyways, I was hoping to get a comprehensive list of these so called "rules" that I should follow while playing a game that I purchased with my own money.

    Seriously though, post your rules in here so maybe then we can all see just how ludicrous this has become.

    I mean, I want to play online but I don't want to anger all of you with my lack of skill and use of gear/weapons/spells that you dislike.

    So far I understand that I can't:

    1. Run away.
    2. Use magic. At all.
    3. Use the DWGR.
    4. Use healing.
    5. Use summons.
    6. Fight 2v1.
    7. Use my shield.
    8. Backstab.
    9. Use a spear.
    10. Use buffs.
    11. Try to win.

    So....What am I missing?
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    Post by Serious_Much Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:17 am

    There's nothing here anyone officially looks down upon and everything is subjective. People do object to a few of those things, but honestly you're overstating things putting stuff like "try to win" and "use my shield" on the list.

    Only things on that list that anyone actually things are any bad are healing, summons and 2v1.. Even then that's only in duels, and in most pvp situations people accept it's a possibility people do at least one of those 3 things

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    Post by AnCapaillMor Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:20 am

    Yeah pretty much sums up the rules, depends on who bump into really. Everyone has a different rule. Sometimes you'll beat someone and they'll add a rule that you broke.
    Theres a few more to add to he list. No healing is about the only one i think that counts. And 2v1 is annoying but the game wouldnt be the same without it.

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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by Leet Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:21 am

    During formal duels, people give each other respect. If everyone healed, the duel wouldn't be based on skills to grant the winner. If would be "who ran out of healing items first" and the match would get incredibly boring and long.

    During random invasions it doesn't matter.

    No one cares about most of the things you said in that list. (referring to formal duels)

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    Post by Shroomerz420 Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:23 am

    Just to clarify...I'm not a troll. Just a little sarcastic. 

    I'm honestly trying to understand what is going on here. is someone who doesn't frequent the forums often supposed to know all of this.

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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by 255gecko Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:23 am

    You miss the part where you rage if you start to lose, I know what you mean by the 'honour duel' style of PvP but people expect that to be the actual rules of the game. Personally I think honour duels should stick to fight clubs or when you personally ask to fight. Oh and about the hate, just let it happen, don't let other people's opinions affect the way you want to have fun, I made a Giant Dad build just so I could annoy people and remind them that dark souls is a game about being unfair and using cheap tactics to win.
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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:37 am

    Are you talking about duels or invasions? Even though some of those things don't even bother me in duels too. The healing 1v1 really gets my goat though (I keep Lloyd's on my hotkeys for that reason, though it depresses me when I have to turn to them in what was an RSS duel) because it's just so damn desperate.
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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:40 am

    Shroomerz420 wrote:Just to clarify...I'm not a troll. Just a little sarcastic. 

    I'm honestly trying to understand what is going on here. is someone who doesn't frequent the forums often supposed to know all of this.
    Well as I pointed out, the only things people will object to is healing, and ganking.. and that's only in a duel situation. Not healing in a duel is hardly the biggest stretch on the mind to be honest.

    The other rules you came up with are bogus to be honest. But as I said before there is no official rule or anything. ANything goes with forum members in almost every situation, but if you're dueling with a friend on the forum you're hardly gonna be healing and doing stuff like back-turned WoGing or chain backstabbing anyway so kinda pointless

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    Post by AnCapaillMor Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:44 am

    Shroomy has a point though, whats the % of players that frequent forums. How would they know the rules and like i said everyone has their own versions of the rules. I was infamous for firestorming spawn points in demons until i logged into a demons forum.

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    Post by Shroomerz420 Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:45 am

    I understand predetermined duels should have some sense of honor. That's just common decency. 

    But as for an invasion. There should be no expectation of honor whatsoever. You invaded to kill me, therefore, I will kill you first by any means necessary. Even summoning help to "gank" you.
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:47 am

    To be fair, this place is not the only place around that sets PvP protocol in Dark Souls. Go on YouTube, 4chan, Reddit, Steam, etc... And you'll find people discussing/complaining about the same things so it's not exactly hidden from the masses.
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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:49 am

    Shroomerz420 wrote:
    But as for an invasion. There should be no expectation of honor whatsoever. You invaded to kill me, therefore, I will kill you first by any means necessary. Even summoning help to "gank" you.
    I'm pretty sure that's what everyone on the forum does.. Everyone separates duels from random invasion and accept that anything goes, least for the most part.

    Those who dislike stuff ganking, healing etc will just have their own way of showing it, whether it be black crystalling, suiciding or going afk
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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by RANT Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:10 am

    If you summon or get summoned through rss you should never heal, that's pretty much the only rule in random or set duels. Invasion anything goes, where'd you come up with the other rules?

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    Post by Leet Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:43 am

    Shroomerz420 wrote:I understand predetermined duels should have some sense of honor. That's just common decency. 

    But as for an invasion. There should be no expectation of honor whatsoever. You invaded to kill me, therefore, I will kill you first by any means necessary. Even summoning help to "gank" you.

    As i already said, during invasions anything goes. Healing, ganking, etc. Formal duels, show respect. That is all.

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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by SadPanda Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:41 pm

    As long as you're not cheating or exploiting something I could care less. I'd take any of the things you listed above over a modder any day.
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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by Phoenix Rising Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:14 pm

    SadPanda wrote:As long as you're not cheating or exploiting something I could care less. I'd take any of the things you listed above over a modder any day.
    ^ THIS

    When you invade and bow, or bow to the invader, it's basically saying "I will not heal. If you best me I will take the loss."

    ALL else is fair game during normal invasions. Do what you can to stay alive.
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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:25 pm

    Hey, The only you thing are allowed to do is let me win, CHEATERS. laughing

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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by Shroomerz420 Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:17 pm

    RANT wrote:If you summon or get summoned through rss you should never heal, that's pretty much the only rule in random or set duels. Invasion anything goes, where'd you come up with the other rules?
    From reading posts on here and watching YouTube. confused

    I've never actually used the RSS so maybe I'm confusing the different types of invasions. Sorry for the confusion.

    I mainly do coop with randoms so that's the only experience I have. And I've used maybe 3 red eye orbs.

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    Post by reim0027 Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:53 am

    Rules?  Depends on the situation, player, time of year, moon phase, planet alignment, etc.  They are so varied and ephemeral, I gave up on them.  I keep it simple: fight how you want to be fought.  

    Here's what I generally go with.  

    Forest: no rules whatsoever.  Period.  None.
    Invading questers: I don't heal unless they spam healing.  
    Invading ganking campers: see Forest
    Getting invading while I'm questing: see Forest.
    Invading known PvP hotspots: I don't heal and let them prepare before attacking.  I bow before and after.
    Prearranged duels: predefined rules.

    I always bow after a duel I win
    I won't do TWoD combos (outside of the Forest, that is).
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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by Sentiel Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:59 am

    Shroomerz420 wrote:Just to clarify...I'm not a troll. Just a little sarcastic. 

    I'm honestly trying to understand what is going on here. is someone who doesn't frequent the forums often supposed to know all of this.
    People playing competitive games will always complain if they lose, no matter what you use against them.

    Those are not rules, but just things people frown upon, or get their jimmies rustled by.
    If you're going to take a part in some fight club, tourney, or setup duels, then you are expected to follow some rules, which are usually told to you beforehand. But that requires to be a part of the community in some way, or the other. If you're not, then there's nothing to worry about. If you get the occasional hatemail for doing something, just laugh it off, or just ignore it and let the other guy rage by his TV.

    I think that as long as you're not hacking, or using modded weapons, everything is fair game and free for you to use against your opponent. If they don't like it, it's their own problem. No need to you to be bothered by it.

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    Post by robsthedon Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:48 am

    I'm with Reim fight how you wanna be fought, if you vade do some hosting too, then you will see both sides. When I vade i generally treat the host with respect, it's their world.

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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by twigsterxd Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:24 am

    Shroomerz420 wrote:Just to clarify...I'm not a troll. Just a little sarcastic. 

    I'm honestly trying to understand what is going on here. is someone who doesn't frequent the forums often supposed to know all of this.
    Not to be rude but best way to find things out is read threads and posts. There are tons of stuff on this subject. You yourself said you usually lurk. you're not lurking in the right places lol.

    About your 1st post. I have to agree with the mod who posted after you, (sorry guys not sure if it was serious or reim), some of those are not needed. Like the win comment. If people didn't want you to fight to win, why try to escape. Just stand there and get killed then.
    The only set rules while in a 1vs1 is in fight clubs or tournaments. Other than that, play at your own risk.
    The 2vs1 thing you posted, is gonna happen. It's not my fault if I'm invaded while in a co-op with someone. You invaded us, so if you die, that's your problem lol. Some people here, (me included), would prefer some kind of rules to PvP but it's not like the days when Demon Souls was out. That game had ALOT of respectful people. Now, it's hard to find them.
    Your magic part, not ALL magic is hated. Just mainly the ones people have been using for modded toons like pursuers.
    Just check the PvP section and you can find lots on this subject.

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    Rules are meant to be broken Empty Re: Rules are meant to be broken

    Post by SlintEastwood Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:13 pm

    RANT wrote:where'd you come up with the other rules?
    Probably by listening to a lot of the things people who play Dark Souls whine about.

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    Post by reim0027 Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:13 pm

    SlintEastwood wrote:
    RANT wrote:where'd you come up with the other rules?
    Probably by listening to a lot of the things people who play Dark Souls whine about.
    The problem is that nobody agrees on rules.

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    Post by SlintEastwood Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:53 am

    reim0027 wrote:
    SlintEastwood wrote:
    RANT wrote:where'd you come up with the other rules?
    Probably by listening to a lot of the things people who play Dark Souls whine about.
    The problem is that nobody agrees on rules.  
    No. The problem is that some people seem to think there are rules independent of the game mechanics themselves. The amount of hatemail I get for doing random invasions in Anor Londo is staggering.

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