Hi I'm new to this board and I'm not entirely sure if I'm supposed to be using the stickied thread to help people so if I'm doing something wrong please just let me know. Anyways I'm offering free co op help to anyone on xbox. Right now I have two accounts you can summon me on-
-SL 60: Glass cannon mage
I have all dark spells and crystal spells along with a TCC/MC+CoD+BDC+Power within. And Can make short work of anything. Even kalameet.
-SL 116: Glass cannon mage
This is basically the exact same build as my SL60 with some filler stats put into endurance and strength.
If you need help just pm me saying you're from the forums and I'll be happy to help with any boss. Be it cutting tails or killing that pesky stray demon.
My GT is: JustAproBRO. Also if this thread gets some attention I'll Also make a couple other accounts to fill in the level gaps.
-SL 60: Glass cannon mage
I have all dark spells and crystal spells along with a TCC/MC+CoD+BDC+Power within. And Can make short work of anything. Even kalameet.
-SL 116: Glass cannon mage
This is basically the exact same build as my SL60 with some filler stats put into endurance and strength.
If you need help just pm me saying you're from the forums and I'll be happy to help with any boss. Be it cutting tails or killing that pesky stray demon.
My GT is: JustAproBRO. Also if this thread gets some attention I'll Also make a couple other accounts to fill in the level gaps.
Last edited by SunBroYo on Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:51 am; edited 2 times in total