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    Melee Combat


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    Melee Combat Empty Melee Combat

    Post by Sleeprocket Fri Aug 23, 2013 2:52 pm

    Hello guys! I just thought a little about what i want in Dark Souls 2 even though im sure there won't be everything like this.What i mean is unarmed Melee Combat,or moves you could use while wielding weapons that are not too heavy and/or big.You would use it like the Dragon Stones and it would be primarly used to knock off enemies with a wide range.Chesters sweeping move would be a example.Maybe even building a covenant about it to learn the secrets of martial arts Sun.Once you get to 3+ or higher it could be viable for pvp.

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    Melee Combat Empty Re: Melee Combat

    Post by MosquitoPower Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:06 am

    Not to go too Soul Caliber...but I would like to see some close combat moves too.
    Full on Gough style!

    What always struck me was how the enemy close combat moves (Shield smashes, kicks, grabs etc.) were pretty powerful... but the player equivalent moves were... just plain weak...

    For hand to hand, I would love for this to be the new dragon style covenant bonuses.
    Unlock those sweat dragon-fo moves!

    If they fix only one weapon related one, I want it to be the shield bash.
    Shield bash with a large shield should be faster, and have the equivalent defense of doing a turtle poke with a spear.

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    Melee Combat Empty Re: Melee Combat

    Post by TheWanderer101 Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:45 am

    I agree it would be awesome to blend martial arts with a katana, perhaps the covenant Sleeprocket mentioned could be Eastern themed like a clan of samurai. Just throwing out ideas.

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    Melee Combat Empty Re: Melee Combat

    Post by Ephexis Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:33 pm

    imo a simple upgrade of the un-armed attacks(bare fists) would be nice
    along with the AR of your bare fists going up with more str and dex

    a better combo would be nice too, the dks hand-to-hand combo was better than des imo since it wasn't just a jab constantly

    however i would like it to go like this

    R1 - straight punch
    R1, R1 - straight punch followed by a strong uppercut (all right handed)

    L1 - quick jab
    L1 , L1 - quick jab, followed by a strong hook (all left handed)

    R2 - high kick(similar to the kick from mgs1 at the end of the punch-punch followed by a kick combo)

    R2. R2 - high kick, followed by a turn around stronger kick to the abdomen

    L2 - parry

    all of these attacks should be able to be chained together,for example, R1(punch), L1(jab), R1(upper cut)
    also, L1(jab), R2(high kick), L2(hook)
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Melee Combat Empty Re: Melee Combat

    Post by JoeBroski09 Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:32 pm

    I think grabs would be pretty cool. Being able to grapple with an enemy. Granted, gankers would get that much more powerful, but I still think it'd be really cool.

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    Melee Combat Empty Re: Melee Combat

    Post by MosquitoPower Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:47 pm

    JoeBroski09 wrote:I think grabs would be pretty cool. Being able to grapple with an enemy. Granted, gankers would get that much more powerful, but I still think it'd be really cool.
    If anything, hand to hand weapons could have "grapple" animations rather than "backstab/riptose" animations... that would be cool.

    Could be a big boost of damage for counter/riptose "grabs", might make hand to hand viable without being unbalanced.
    Zeta Prime
    Zeta Prime

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    Melee Combat Empty Re: Melee Combat

    Post by Zeta Prime Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:12 pm

    Ephexis is a genius.

    I would love martial arts in Dark souls II! but I would like it to be a huge challenge to fight someone using martial arts. I have always thought that maybe armor needed to take a step forward in its defensive capabilities.. and fist damage should do very poorly against armor.

    im just trying to say that if they put it in id like it to be a highly skill based form of combat where it would take lots of hits to down another player.

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    Melee Combat Empty Re: Melee Combat

    Post by MasterofShadows Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:41 pm

    I think allowing a player to develop a viable barehanded build (like a fighting monk, for instance) would be pretty cool. But to balance it, I think that there would need to be some kind of tradeoff. Like make the development of your barehanded skills require ALOT of concentrated stat investments, thus closing off many other talent development options. Secondly, in order to be able to use all of the barehanded moves, one would have to be pretty far up the stat ladder (say, more than 40-50 dex), and have a light equip load. With such implementations, I think it could work. It's too late into development though, so if it hasn't been put in, it's not going to be put in. Maybe in an expansion?

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