Dark Souls Barebones Fight Club
The Purpose
To have a fun yet competetive fight club that will test who can use equipment better, not who can upgrade it the best. It's meant to have longer, more exciting and cinematic fights than the 3-hit fights we're accomodated to. The area and rules are not yet set in stone, so feel free to input your thoughts.
Soul Level: 20-40
Here is what I think will work best
Allowed/Disallowed Equipment
I don't like this topic either, but for the sake of the fun, it must be done.
No damage-increasing equipment or spells
This is simply to keep the fights fun, long, and challenging. This includes:
-Hornet/Leo Ring
-Red Tearstone Ring
-Crown of Dusk/Dark Sun
-Power Within
-Bellowing Dragon Crest Ring
-Ring of the Sun's Firstborn
Keeping "cheap" things to a minimum
Again, something I dislike in FC's. However, to keep to the spirit of the fight club, it has to be done.This includes things like (feel free to defend why these should be allowed):
-Backstab Phishing/Roll Backstabbing (EXCESSIVELY)
-Magic Spam, please try to keep between 1-3 casts every 10 seconds.
-Pyromancy, I think it's fair that it should only be Laurentius/Eingyi spells, and no more than a +5
non-ascended glove.
Miscellaneous rules and such
These are just some things I would highly reccomend are done for the sake of the idea of the fight club. Here are some of the things:
-Do not "tryhard", this is for fun, not for fame
-No "salt", it only ruins the fun for everyone
-Please, please...PLEASE, no twinkling, demon titanite weapons. No dragon weapons. No upgrading weapons. The point is to have long, dramatic fights
-I HIGHLY encourage anything that increases health, besides modding
-Look your best, what, you go out of the house naked?
-MAX upgrade your armor, this will make fights much longer
There isn't really much left to say. If you want to sign up, PM me or post in the thread. The date and time are uncertain since I am banned until the end of August in XBL. I can host for Xbox 360, but if this gets big enough, I may need some help. If you're on PC or PSN, you can sign up, but until someone volunteers, there are no hosts as of yet. Please also include your gamertag, PSN, or GFWL. Thanks to anyone who signs up to host or participate!
SadPanda, GT: oSADxPANDAo (I was twelve once)
Phoenix Rising, GT: I Aim v Here I
Soris Ice Goldwing, GT: Soris Goldwing
Wilkinson3424, GT: Wilkinson3424
divinebeanpole, GT: DivineBeanpole
Marino., GFWL: Oniramkenobi
StiffNipples, GFWL: StiffNipples