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    NA Server, SL 225 Need Soulsucked


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    Join date : 2013-08-15

    NA Server, SL 225 Need Soulsucked Empty NA Server, SL 225 Need Soulsucked

    Post by joey75421 Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:24 pm

    Would anyone be willing to soulsuck me about 80-100 times? I really started liking the blueblood sword and want to change my stats to better increase the damage. I can even pay with two pure bladestones if the souls are not enough and supply the old spice needed?

    Posts : 379
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    Join date : 2013-03-08
    Location : Germany

    NA Server, SL 225 Need Soulsucked Empty Re: NA Server, SL 225 Need Soulsucked

    Post by Micha369 Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:50 am

    joey75421 wrote:Would anyone be willing to soulsuck me about 80-100 times? I really started liking the blueblood sword and want to change my stats to better increase the damage. I can even pay with two pure bladestones if the souls are not enough and supply the old spice needed?
     Hey joey, why don't you start a new toon? You probably have learned a lot until now and now you are prepaired to do everything the right way. Is is so much fun and peoply can help you with this. If you need help doing this you can get it from me (EU-version).

    Problem with soulsucking is that you cannot control which stats are reduced and depending on your stats and on what you finally want to get it can mean to reduce a lot more souls. If your goal is a toon of sl 145 with certain stats it can meant that you have to go down to 80 and then you have to start levelling the intended stats again.
    And I think Vitality cannot be reduced at all.

    So it is easier to start all over.
    Why do you want to have such a high level toon as 145? this is way to much and not needed by no means. For simply playing in pve mode you don't need more then 40 for ng and maybe 80 for ng+. For a perfect pvp toon you need 110 - 130 max.

    EDIT: just saw that you on the NA server, so unfortunately I cannot help but lots of others can!

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