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    PSN Level 15 need help taking down the Bridge Wyvern


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    PSN Level 15 need help taking down the Bridge Wyvern Empty PSN Level 15 need help taking down the Bridge Wyvern

    Post by Wade_Wilson Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:02 pm

    I have already tried bringing solaire down to the dragon and he just got roflstomped, I need someone else to help me kill this bugger. Will reward with a soul of the moonlight butterfly.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    PSN Level 15 need help taking down the Bridge Wyvern Empty Re: PSN Level 15 need help taking down the Bridge Wyvern

    Post by PlasticandRage Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:41 pm

    Buy 999 Wood Arrows and fire from half way down the stairs at mid-bridge. Don't take any chances and you'll be fine. BTW the arrows are only going to run you around 3,000 souls. Not that much at all

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    PSN Level 15 need help taking down the Bridge Wyvern Empty Re: PSN Level 15 need help taking down the Bridge Wyvern

    Post by Karn Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:38 pm

    I actually had a lot of trouble killing this bugger myself at first, and no matter how high i stacked my fire resists or what i did, i just could not go toe to toe with him.

    Finally at SL50 I was able to take his big red *** out, and it was actually very easy. What you're going to want to do is stand at the stairs and run out so he breathes fire and takes out the hollow soldiers on the bridge, so you don't have to worry about them. Make sure you run back in before he shoots fire!

    Now from here on, you're going to want to hold your strongest weapon in your right hand, and a bow in your left hand. You'll want to come to the top of the stairs, zoom in with the bow and shoot him in the body/neck so he flys down onto the bridge.

    Now JUST AFTER YOUR FIRE press (Y) or whatever button you have to to two-hand your right hand weapon, and you might need to press it twice to exit out of the bow.

    As he's flying down to the bridge you are going to quickly run over and take a swing at where his head will be, then quickly run back down the stairs to get out of the way of either his Flame attack, or head-butt or foot stomp, sometimes you might get hit but just do your best to get back under the bridge, where it's safe. Heal there if you have to and just repeat the process, it shouldn't take very long and after you do it once or twice you will get the hang of it. So far I've been able to do it every time on my newer characters without an issue.

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    PSN Level 15 need help taking down the Bridge Wyvern Empty Re: PSN Level 15 need help taking down the Bridge Wyvern

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