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    Solaire Bug


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    Join date : 2012-03-04

    Solaire Bug Empty Solaire Bug

    Post by hkanonhk Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:36 pm

    Decided too create a new char and directly went to Undead Burg and everything went well.Talked to Solaire and joined him, fight my way through to the Gargoyle fight. But before entering the fight I summon some guy from UK, which seems to have a very bad lag. I also summon Solaire and walk through the gate and then BLACK SCREEN... Have to reboot. So summon again somebody, but this time can't summon Solaire. No worries, still killed the Gargoyles. Then I went bag to Undead Burg to helped some guys with the Taurus Demon. Each successful help I only get humanity and no Sunlight Medal. Found it funny and check if Solaire is still standing at the rampart. He is. Then I check the Altar and that's even more funny, can't even activate it. Logged on and off multiple times, nothing helped. I'm wondering if I should somehow quit Solaire and join him afterwards directly again. But is it worth the trouble? Anybody experienced this bug?

    I also got once when I joined the Darkmoon a bug. Even after giving 30 souvenir of reprisal I didn't get the Darkmoon Blade, only after the second run... I seem to attract problems...

    Anybody else had that experience. I know is only 1-2 hours with the new char but I don't want to start again...
    Upgrade Master
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    Solaire Bug Empty Re: Solaire Bug

    Post by Whknight Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:54 pm

    They way you worded it seems off, so I'll cover the basics. You need to have 25 faith or that you have helped enough, -5 faith each time you help, to join the Sunbros. You don't get sunlight medals unless you are, or with a sunbro or have Solaire with you.

    The way you are saying it, it sounds like you joined the Sunbros right out of the gate but I just don't see that being possible in 1-2 hours.

    Posts : 18
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    Join date : 2012-03-04

    Solaire Bug Empty Re: Solaire Bug

    Post by hkanonhk Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:00 pm

    ah I knew something was off... forgot that I didn't raise my faith yet like my other chars before ... 4o clock in the morning, maybe time I go to sleep...

    thanks for the reminder winking

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