by Forum Pirate Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:40 pm
You clearly haven't seen wog in action used by someone who actually knows how. Everything is easy to roll through. And coming from someone who spends most of his tme midrolling with str weapons.
the point of the long ranged weapons i recommend is to poke. frustrate the person and/or dead angle and force dodges, then tag them coming out. one can also spell cancel the wog, and follow up with an actual wog to catch people between rolls.
Magic defense is largely irrelivant when dealing with spells like hcsm that are perfectly capable of killing your 1500 hp build in 1 hit anyways, where gmb shuts it down almost entirely, leaving a typical mage completely helpless, or at minimum severly disadvantaged, for the duration.
The cod adds roughly 100 damage to a wog. thats 3 for 1500 instead of 3 for 1200. Combined with stun combo damage, eg a bs or waiting a second for the dodge and tagging the person attempting to avoid a wakeup as they exit a roll, you're looking at 1000+ for both wogs, 1300 for the bs combo, and 1800 if you manage both. thats without dmb. if you have landed even 2 hits before the mid range (and easiest to manage) combo then you're looking at fatal damage for most everybody, even with the divine scythe on the sl 100 doing like 300 damage. (its 287 through 350 physical and 300 magic, i think)
on the quality build its preference, thats not an especially defense heavy setup anyways so relying heavily on the crest shield and dodging is the way to go, but a 20% damage buff to great combustion also bumps it from 400 to 500 damage, so the same arguements pretty much apply. it will also buff things like the gfb/gc combo from 1k hp to 1300, again reducing the number of hits it takes to win by 1 or 2, much more important for casters with limited casts than pure melee, so it depends on how he wants to play.
I've fought rob with the sl 100 version of the faith build, and promptly proceeded to 3-1 him. haden't even used it before that night. if he remembers, he can vouch for its effectiveness first hand. Beat jans with it several times in a row the same night too. (though thats more a testimate to the awesomness of gmb)
Last edited by Forum Pirate on Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total