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Soul of Stray Demon
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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?


    Which would you rather have?

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? I_vote_lcap13%Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? I_vote_rcap [13%] 
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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? I_vote_lcap80%Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? I_vote_rcap [80%] 

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Sun Sep 15, 2013 12:58 am

    So which would you rather have/participate in?

    These are the rules I will have for whichever is chosen

    1. You shall not cosplay anybody who does not have a full set of armour and weapons, For example, you cannot cosplay the four kings, or rainbow dash.

    2. If your cosplay fat rolls, then he/she can medium roll or fat roll.

    3. You can only use a ring if the character you are cosplaying uses it, or if the ring has no visible effect. (Meaning we wouldn't be able to ever guess that you were using it.)


    3.1 You can use the Wolf Ring. (Vote on it)

    4. You may only use a weapon that your character uses.

    5. Post your build if you are cosplaying a mage of any kind.

    6. No Glitches/Exploits.

    Even More Clarification:

    7. If your cosplay does not use a shield, then your cosplay does not use a shield.

    8. Ok for the sake of anti-tryhardism, I'm banning the Ninja cosplay.

    9. No turtling.

    What SL would you guys want? I was thinking SL 100 or 125.

    Last edited by Wilkinson3424 on Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:38 pm; edited 4 times in total
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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:00 am

    SL? I have an 80 or 85 Lautrec that's basically ready to go.

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:01 am

    Oh I forgot about the SL...

    I was thinking about SL 100, or 125.

    I will see what the public wants.
    Soul of Stray Demon
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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:03 am

    Um, Can I cosplay Kalameet, and use the dark hand r2, which with if I hit, the other player has to put on the Calamity Ring. So I use Black Flame, and Obsidean Greatsword, Dragon body, Wolf ring, Ring of favor and protection (for the health boost mostly) and very high vit? So like this.

    Last edited by Soul of Stray Demon on Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:09 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:07 am

    Did you read the rules

    No you cannot cosplay kalameet

    And you cannot cosplay the stray demon.
    Soul of Stray Demon
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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:08 am

    Wilkinson3424 wrote:Did you read the rules

    No you cannot cosplay kalameet

    And you cannot cosplay the stray demon.
    But... I was creative... real creative.

    I deserve it.

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:09 am

    And I deserve a raise, a new car, and Dark souls II beta.

    Sadly people aren't as smart as us, Soul.

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by LordTransvalence Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:25 am

    Seems quite intresting on paper (or in text per-say) lets see how it turns out.

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Aigaios Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:02 am

    Why can any build use the Wolf Ring? It makes no sense banning every other ring for the sake of cosplay but allowing this one no matter what your cosplay is.  confused

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by GrEeNgObLiN Sun Sep 15, 2013 6:54 am

    Cararina is in

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by robsthedon Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:28 am

    Does Ciaran use Hornet?

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by sure-magicians Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:42 am

    I'm interested...
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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Marino. Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:46 am

    So, only Characters from Dark Souls ?
    Or is easy to make stuff like Sephiroth allowed ?

    And if you're baning so many Rings you might as well ban every Ring lol .

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:05 pm

    Only characters from Dark Souls are allowed.

    If your character uses the ring, you can use the ring.

    Builds can use the wolf ring so people don't complain about being stunlocked to death.

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by StiffNipples Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:02 pm

    Ciaran uses the Hornet Ring.  
    Lautrec uses the Red Tearstone Ring.  
    Siegmeyer uses the Blue Tearstone Ring.  
    Shivas Ninja uses the Fog Ring and DWGR (outlawed though. When we did a cosplay tourney Shivas Ninja, Silver Knight (spear) and Patches won).  
    I'm all for outlawing rings based on looks, Wolf Ring included.  
    If you're not RPing Artorias you shouldn't wear it.  
    Maybe I'm just a stickler for cospvp, but I think you should nail the look and feel of  your character.  
    That means if you're RPing Siegbro you don't have great combust and if you're RPing a Painting Guardian you shouldn't have the Wolf Ring.  
    If you're afraid of getting stunlocked then there are plenty of characters with poise to choose from.  
    BTW I'm in, PC. Xanthough King Jeremiah, I'll post the build tonight, I used it for the last cosplay tourney I was in (youtube search Xanthough Stone Knight and you should find a vid of it).  
    No poise, Whip in off hand, lots of pyro, silly hat, SL120.

    Oh, we also did this for the poise (not sure if you wish to follow suit, we did it for balance):

    • Roll speed must match in-game counterparts; if an in-game example is not available (i.e., they don't roll), use the poise provided by your armour set:
    • <= 36 poise is fast roll
    • > 36 and < 51 poise is medium roll
    • >= 51 poise is fat roll

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by reim0027 Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:07 am

    Sounds interesting, but I'm not a fan of some of the rules. I hope you all have fun though.

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Maplepop Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:06 am

    I have an SL125 Balder Knight i'd like to bring to the party...

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Qyntius Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:21 am

    StiffNipples wrote:Ciaran uses the Hornet Ring.  
    Lautrec uses the Red Tearstone Ring.  
    Siegmeyer uses the Blue Tearstone Ring.  
    Shivas Ninja uses the Fog Ring and DWGR (outlawed though. When we did a cosplay tourney Shivas Ninja, Silver Knight (spear) and Patches won).  
    I'm all for outlawing rings based on looks, Wolf Ring included.  
    If you're not RPing Artorias you shouldn't wear it.  

    • Roll speed must match in-game counterparts; if an in-game example is not available (i.e., they don't roll), use the poise provided by your armour set:
    • <= 36 poise is fast roll
    • > 36 and < 51 poise is medium roll
    • >= 51 poise is fat roll
    I agree with stiffnipples.
    Wolf ring should be banned and some of the banned rings should be useable if the original character uses it. The roll speed rule of thumb is also a good rule I've seen before. This seems like a fun idea, I'd definitely be in for it, especially a weekly fightclub or something. There was another post of a weekly sl100 fightclub and one of a bareknuckle fightclub, so if we can find a date that is separate from those; that'd be great. Joy

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by reim0027 Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:52 pm

    All of the Knight's rings should be in. Wolf (Arty wears this), Hornet (ciarian), Leo (Pikachu), and Hawk (Gough). There are just as integral to cosplay as the armor is.

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Leet Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:42 pm

    reim0027 wrote:All of the Knight's rings should be in.  Wolf (Arty wears this), Hornet (ciarian), Leo (Pikachu), and Hawk (Gough).  There are just as integral to cosplay as the armor is.
    This would make sense. It wouldn't be a complete cosplay without the right equipment. 
    Soul of Stray Demon
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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:47 pm

    TooLeet wrote:
    reim0027 wrote:All of the Knight's rings should be in.  Wolf (Arty wears this), Hornet (ciarian), Leo (Pikachu), and Hawk (Gough).  There are just as integral to cosplay as the armor is.
    This would make sense. It wouldn't be a complete cosplay without the right equipment. 
    Leet, I'm pretty sure that's what Reim is saying.

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:19 pm

    You guys misunderstand,

    Those rings are allowed if their cosplay uses it, I'm sure I stated that multiple times.

    The Wolf ring is a maybe, I might take it out but people will complain about stunlocks and how toggling is banned.

    If toggling is allowed then people will complain that they aren't rewarded for tactically landing a hit with a large weapon.

    Too much drama.

    But i'll keep listening to you guys.

    Once again, You CAN use a ring if that person uses that ring.

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Leet Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:31 pm

    Soul of Stray Demon wrote:
    TooLeet wrote:
    reim0027 wrote:All of the Knight's rings should be in.  Wolf (Arty wears this), Hornet (ciarian), Leo (Pikachu), and Hawk (Gough).  There are just as integral to cosplay as the armor is.
    This would make sense. It wouldn't be a complete cosplay without the right equipment. 
    Leet, I'm pretty sure that's what Reim is saying.
    Yeah. I was agreeing.

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by StiffNipples Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:41 pm

    The thing is, for me at least, cosplay is all about the looks.  
    I wouldn't want Lautrec wearing the Wolf Ring, as that's not what he looks like in game, however imo Ornstein can do without the Leo Ring, as it provides no visual difference, and you might need Havels + FaP to maintain his movement speed, or you may wish to use the Ring of the Suns Firstborn to boost his Lightning Spear damage over a boost to his spears thrust (if it's allowed that he uses Lightning Spears - just using this as an example, hopefully you get the idea).  
    Similarly, Gough might wish to swap the Hawk Ring for something like the Leo Ring since he won't see much benefit to the Hawk Ring in a PvP match whereas the Leo ring will provide a nice counter boost. Again, no change in visuals.

    I guess what I'm saying is it's (for me at least) more about the look than about getting the exact stats and rings right.  
    If the ring has an aura and the character has that ring then by all means they should wear it, but I wouldn't hold Gough or Orn to wearing the Hawk/Leo ring if it's going to be a detriment to the build.

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    Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament? Empty Re: Anyone interested in a cosplay Fight Club or Tournament?

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:09 am

    Once again Stiff, you can use whatever ring you want as long as it does not have a visual effect, and your cosplay character uses it.

    I'm not outlawing the use of every ring that your cosplay doesn't use.

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