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    That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Tolvo Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:25 pm

    I'm pretty sure you are talking about Dark Forces or Dark Forces 2, starring Kyle Katarn. Which led to the Jedi Knight series, as the two sort of mingled, same main character. Kyle is my favourite Jedi of all time definitely, as well Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast is one of my favourite games of all time, I think it still has a decent online scene even. Now there was a badass Jedi.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by PlasticandRage Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:30 pm

    Yeah I'm pretty sure I played DF2. i don't really remember the characters though. Just the way the graphics looked and how the game worked. I bought it a garage sale for $1 in like 2005. I didn't know anything about it but you can't really lose for a buck. I also ended up with the Wing Commander 3 I think? The one starring Mark Hamill and Gimli. Absolutely epic acting.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Tolvo Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:32 pm

    That's another series I need to get my hands on, being a fan of Jedi Knight and from what I've seen it also seems like Shadow of the Empire, an absolutely great game for the N64. For one buck that is a great deal, a steal in fact. An original copy of that game these days is probably worth some money, I'm pretty sure that is on steam as well.

    Boy do I need that computer fixed.
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    Post by PlasticandRage Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:38 pm

    If I can find my old copy of it the next time I go to my moms house you can have it if you want. I know I'll never play it again. So its just collecting dust really. That's only if I can find it though which I can't promise I'll be able to.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Tolvo Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:39 pm

    Haha it's cool, I'm hopefully going to be having this thing up and running again in the next few weeks in which case all it is is a few clicks on steam and I'll have both the first and second one.

    That's another good one, ever played Shadows of the Empire?

    Also I'm about to head off, so I'll reply later.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by PlasticandRage Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:44 pm

    That was the N64 one right? In which case yeah absolutely. My mom got it for me for Christmas the year I got my N64. That and Mario 64 were all I did for a long time. There's a spectacular game. Mario 64 was spectacular. Such a ground breaking game. Probably the birth of the sandbox game.

    I just got both Empire at War and KotOR for $30 total. Thanks man. I probably never would have played either otherwise.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Tolvo Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:46 am

    Shadows of the Empire also has a book counterpart, and I'm pretty sure a comic one. Sadly I've never seen either around here otherwise I would be throwing my money in a general direction and dashing out of there with it. Don't make me make a Super Mario Discussion Thread haha.

    By the way I know you've probably been told by many people about it since it is considered possibly the best series of Star Wars books, but have you ever read or heard of the Thrawn Trilogy?
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    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:17 am

    Yes. you heard of trioculous? lol. any one who hasn't red the darth bane trilogy should do so. It is ultimately the reason palpatine rose to power like 2800 years later.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Tolvo Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:20 am

    One to hold the power, and one to crave it.

    Yes I have read the series, Darth Bane is one of my favourite Sith Lords, though I must say I was not a fan of his apprentice. I really did not care for her.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:36 am

    He had 2, which one didn't you like? I found Zhanna far more interesting than bane. I don't 'like' either (as in we wouldn't be friends) but bane was too simple for me to find his character engaging.

    I really want to read about the jedi before the rusian reformation bs ruined the order for the next several years. without it palpatine would never have come to power & anikin would have likely spotted earlier or not at all, both potentially preventing his fall.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Tolvo Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:48 am

    I just always felt like Bain actually worked for everything he had while Zannah was merely handed so much.

    There are novels that take place before the reformation, a good deal of them actually let me look up some of the names so I can remember.

    Knight Errant, Red Harvest, The Old Republic Series, Lost Tribe of the Sith, and Mandorla. As well there are comics that take place so far back you'll see an actual difference in technology haha, like Tales of the Jedi. That was more of a graphic novel really.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:00 am

    yeah the books are just limited. i prefer the warrior poet jedi of that far back. the baran do, the funky lightside force witchs and the medium armored jedi off shoots are awesome too. i don't remember the names. i learned about them in one ot the star wars role playing game books but its been a long time since i read anything with either of them in it too.

    Do you know what happened to the echani? they simply dissapear after the old republic era. cant find anything on them after that.
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    Post by Tolvo Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:05 am

    They still exist they just really don't make any appearances. This issue is just that they aren't an entirely popular race so they don't surface much in books outside of the old republic era, they're still around. They just don't really do anything significant.

    If you can give any more information about them I might be able to figure out what group you are talking about.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:15 am

    I could find it i'm sure. If you want to know they're names are in one of the star wars role playing game (d&d) books because they're playable classes. the names are just strange so i cant remember them. They both developed on a (separate) isolated planet so their ways are very very different than the jedi. The warrior group 'channel' the darkside for power but guide it with the light. like i said they're rather strange groups.
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    Post by Tolvo Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:16 am

    Kind of sounds like the Jen, followers of old Sith Teachings however holding views more falling in line with grey Jedi philosophies. They typically wear red armor.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:26 am

    The Witches of Dathomir and the The Jensaarai. Found it. they're cool. though again the stuff featuring them is limited.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Tolvo Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:28 am

    Yeah, they actually resurface during the times of the New Jedi order I believe, I know they appear in comics and some books. It would be interesting if they were featured in a game but I can't imagine them garnering such publicity to cause it.

    The Witches of Dathomir can be interesting, sometimes a bit odd but they have members who are genuinely interesting. Their relationship with the rancors is always an interesting facet.
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    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:36 am

    Ah, i thought i remembered luke having something to do with them but i wasn't sure. &anyone who can sic a rancor on you should be respected. My point was i generally prefer the less structured groups to the big, ponderous, and overly strict order after the reformation & before luke. the characters & philosophies are eclectic and engaging. My roomie just downloaded every published star wars book though so i'll have to re read everything.
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    Post by Tolvo Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:40 am

    I would agree, my issue is just that I was never fond of the Jedi order just being this mass of monks who all shared the exact same beliefs and cultures. I like it rather as a collection of different philosophies trying to better understand the force and share their ideas. The Jedi always were better to me when there were a few mysterious wise men like members who were very humble and natural in appearance, their wisdom coming from years of inner searching as they tried to reach a greater understanding of the force. What I don't like is thousands of Jedi talking about the facts of the force before they go into huge battles where there are more lightsabers than blasters.
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    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:49 am

    Exactly. the fewer jedi are around, the stronger &wiser the masters are. I'd be much more hesitant to start a fight if i knew 1 master who could crash a moon or throw a black hole was showing up than if 30 were coming who are each roughly equal to 15 normal soldiers or 4 special forces operators. (most jedi dont have **** on delta squad)
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    Post by Tolvo Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:53 am

    There were actually squads designed for killing Jedi in some militaries at times, and they were incredibly successful since regardless of the force it was warrior monks against people who have spent years training and preparing for exactly everything the jedi could throw at them. Especially since so many of them limited themselves to just a robe and lightsaber, unlike Kyle Katarn who while being a jedi, carried explosives, wore body armor, had military experience, and carried a wide variety of gadgets and arms.

    It is kind of the same way with the Sith, I always like when they are much fewer in number. What is so interesting about there being a Sith Lord, if there are about three hundred or so on one planet already?
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    Post by PlasticandRage Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:48 am

    I've actually never read any wars books. I'm kind of an elitist when it comes to literature, being that as an English student I'm consistently reading like the most amazing literature in human history. That's not to say that I'm completely closed to the idea but it'd have to be at least decently written for me to respect it. I'm really enjoying Empire at War BTW. I've been playing all evening. I thought I hated it but then I started using the empire.
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    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:33 am

    Wars books > wars movies. most of the books are by accomplished authors and are very well written. Lucas hasn't let just anyone use the name.
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    Post by Tolvo Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:18 am

    I'm an English student as well haha, Small World.

    Yeah the Empire is a lot more enjoyable in that game, the Rebels participating in big battles aside from those in the film always seemed a bit counter productive to me. And even then the point of a lot of those battles was that they were distractions.

    I also enjoy the books a lot more, I might actually be re-reading Outbound Flight soon, there was another book I really enjoyed. I can't say I have enjoyed all of them though. I know some don't care for Karen Traviss, while I've read a few of her books they weren't the greatest but the Legacy ones I thought weren't bad. I think it just had more to do with the restrictions put on by the other authors, Legacy of the Force had so many people writing books at the same time I think that just really attributed to issues, as well as having to use characters in certain ways. Legacy is a series I might not recommend, some of it I would say is good while other parts are weak. As mentioned above though I haven't read her Republic Commando ones, which I've heard both high praise and ridicule of, but I can't give an actual thought until I really get my hands on them.
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    That's No Moon  (Star Wars Thread) - Page 2 Empty Re: That's No Moon (Star Wars Thread)

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:44 am

    Forum Pirate wrote:Lucas hasn't let just anyone use the name.

    Dunno if you've seen... But the image of darth vader has been used in a advert for Curry's, I think Lucas has sold out the name for money on plenty of occasions silly

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