also i wish to give rewards but i don't know how i would do that i could give away my boss souls that i have stored for people on xbox but i would not know what to do for the pc or ps3
ps. I will be adding the names to this list if they are given to me. Also tell me what system you are on. you can only give your own gt, psn, pc, ect. name.
billy-bayonet (The burg, The parish/Township/New Londo)
MossadAgent (catacombs and the depths)
SleepyGuzman (unknown)
Glenni67 (unknown) -msg for location
The Letter X (Township)
Maplepop (MLB Forest/Burg/Parish/Township)
Leon Kennedy85 (panted world)
The Letter X (Township)
bounty hunters (aka cops)
more of a challenge
if I get enough people to add there names i would like for the people that what to be hunted down and the people that are the bounty hunters to try to form teams with each other like 2 bounty hunters vs 2 people on the hit list. *this is optional* but is would add more of a challenge also see if u handle doing a 2v1. but for right now it is only me hunting down people and i would need for more bounty hunters.
Plz suggest your own challenges that you would like to add to this like no armor or no magic or pyromancy or no back stabes and parrying.
Ideas to add if we get enough people
Eventually I might add ranks to see how many bounty hunters you have killed and how many people you have taken down that are on the hit list. *This is not guaranteed but I would like to see what everyone thinks about it*
Last edited by AoDlightwolf on Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:31 pm; edited 11 times in total