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    Armor Comparison

    Mental Gear
    Mental Gear

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    Armor Comparison Empty Armor Comparison

    Post by Mental Gear Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:50 am

    On this page you can find some sort of calculation under the section "Additional Superior Armor Overall (in descending order of quality)".
    Does anybody know who calculated the points for the shown armors? Or does anyone know how to calculate these "overall rating points"? I want to augment the list with all the rest of the armor pieces.
    Now I know this is only an overall stats comparison list and not everyone will find a somewhat higher rated armor better than his own choice, because individual armor choices are sometimes complex and depend much on the weight your char can afford to carry.
    But nevertheless I found this list quite useful to choose the best between similar weighted armor pieces, that would be especially true for the cloth body pieces like all robes and cloaks.

    There also seems to be a mistake that the Full set list uses the same values and weights of the Torso-section. A full set of Armor of the Sun does not weigh 9 units.

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    Armor Comparison Empty Re: Armor Comparison

    Post by FexDS Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:56 am

    I do not recall how the values were adjusted over the patches, but could the discrepancies be from that?

    It is indeed a good page big grin
    Mental Gear
    Mental Gear

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    Location : Beneath the clouds

    Armor Comparison Empty Re: Armor Comparison

    Post by Mental Gear Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:29 pm

    Yeah, that list made me aware of how some of the cloaks like the Dingy robe or the Sage robe are pretty strong when fully upgraded. So I wanted to make some sort of overall ranking to get a better overview and to see how much max protection, for the most important attributes of your choosing, you can get with as low weight as possible.

    I rather believe the values from the torso list were mistakenly also written into to the full set list, all the numbers match. Torso weight of Armor of the sun, Elite knight armor and Cleric armor is the same as the full set weight, that can't be true.
    If we look at the total weight of the Iron set with all current patches it says 23.1 units (of whatever). I think it's safe to say pre-patch weight would at least not have been as low as 9 units (of the same whatever that maybe is kg happy).

    Saw user Green  Eagle writing about an unpatched run, I'll ask if he could confirm pre-patch weight.

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