Souls Series Wiki Forums

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    Can Log into wikis but can't do anything.

    Compulsory Poster
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    Can Log into wikis but can't do anything. Empty Can Log into wikis but can't do anything.

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:29 am

    Just wondering if anyone is having my problem.

    I have joined both the DS and DS2 Wiki. I can log in but that's it. I can not edit or add anything. It says I do not have permission to do so. Also, I don't know if this means anything but in the forum, top RH continues to say that I am "...not a member of this wiki".

    I am, to say the least a bit confused.

    I seem to be having issues with the FextraLife Dashboard as well. I can't do anything. LOL
    Compulsory Poster
    Compulsory Poster

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    Location : Where ever my interests beckon!

    Can Log into wikis but can't do anything. Empty Re: Can Log into wikis but can't do anything.

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue Sep 24, 2013 6:38 am

    Well, go figure...

    I didn't do anything different but now I can access the wiki as well as edit.

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 13, 2024 8:17 pm