No love for the wilk dog
Yeah sometimes I miss the old days, but honestly I just come back here now and days to chill out with some old friends that still hang out at the place, I've been more busy than ever, lately, and this is still a home away from home.
Truth be told, I think nostalgia plays a major role in why i'm still here, most of the time I like being here, but sometimes I feel like it's my responsibility to come here, check in, let you guys know i'm alive, talk about random things in the chat, and then leave; I don't even play dark souls that much anymore, but this place has alot of good memories for me. It holds a special place in my heart, and I definitely think we will see some old faces return with DkS 2 along with some new ones.
Let me give you an inspirational quote.
"This pleases me greatly! Well then, take this.
We are amidst strange beings, in a strange forum.
The flow of time itself is convoluted, with heroes centuries old logging in and out.
The very fabric wavers, and relations shift and obscure.
There's no telling how much longer your post and mine will remain in contact.
But, use this,
to summon one another as spirits, cross the gaps between the threads,
and engage in jolly co-operation!
Of course, we are not the only one engaged in this.
But I am a warrior of the forums! Spot my profile picture easily by its brilliant aura.
If you miss it, you must be blind!
Hah hah hah!"