The weapons are all +5, shields and armor +3. I've been invading exclusively in the Burg. I've got 83 kills so far (going to 100) and it is great. I really encourage you guys to invade at this ultra low level.
Sure, you sometimes invade way up (ahem . . . billy) and you run into elemental low level builds. But, the majority is awesome. I feel this is one of the cores of DkS. Invading low level, new players with a fair build. Get them used to the fact that not everybody tried to gank them.
Next up is camping in the burg with this build:
Same upgrades apply. I'm not sure if I'll go to 100. I fully expect twinked elemental mm builds to be much more frequent.
EDIT: based on some confusion in the posts below, I'll clarify what I mean by the burg. For me, I consider the Burg, Lower Undead Burg, and Parish to be part of the "Burg". Rereading what I wrote, I can understand the confusion.
Last edited by reim0027 on Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total